Search results:

The pahtway p1499 has 367 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 220 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
6387CXCL12IRH | PBSF | SCYB12 | SDF1 | TLSF | TPAR1C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 1210q11.1
11155LDB3CMD1C | CMH24 | CMPD3 | CYPHER | LDB3Z1 | LDB3Z4 | LVNC3 | MFM4 | ORACLE | PDLIM6 | ZASPLIM domain binding 310q22.3-q23.2
8513LIPFGL | HGL | HLALlipase F, gastric type10q23.31
55328RNLSC10orf59 | RENALASErenalase, FAD-dependent amine oxidase10q23.31
1559CYP2C9CPC9 | CYP2C | CYP2C10 | CYPIIC9 | P450IIC9cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily C member 910q24
1557CYP2C19CPCJ | CYP2C | CYPIIC17 | CYPIIC19 | P450C2C | P450IIC19cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily C member 1910q24
9118INANEF5 | NF-66 | TXBP-1internexin neuronal intermediate filament protein alpha10q24.33
6571SLC18A2SVAT | SVMT | VAT2 | VMAT2solute carrier family 18 member A210q25
1847DUSP5DUSP | HVH3dual specificity phosphatase 510q25
664BNIP3NIP3BCL2/adenovirus E1B 19kDa interacting protein 310q26.3
6506SLC1A2EAAT2 | GLT-1 | HBGTsolute carrier family 1 member 211p13
644943RASSF10-Ras association domain family member 1011p15.2
55553SOX6HSSOX6 | SOXDSRY-box 611p15.3
2694GIFIF | IFMH | INF | TCN3gastric intrinsic factor11q13
219931TPCN2SHEP10 | TPC2two pore segment channel 211q13.3
120103SLC36A4PAT4solute carrier family 36 member 411q21
335APOA1apo(a)apolipoprotein A-I11q23-q24
4684NCAM1CD56 | MSK39 | NCAMneural cell adhesion molecule 111q23.1
345APOC3APOCIII | HALP2apolipoprotein C-III11q23.3
1272CNTN1F3 | GP135 | MYPCNcontactin 112q12
9194SLC16A7MCT2solute carrier family 16 member 712q13
25840METTL7AAAM-Bmethyltransferase like 7A12q13.12
59277NTN4PRO3091netrin 412q22
160428ALDH1L2mtFDHaldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member L212q23.3
26353HSPB8CMT2L | DHMN2 | E2IG1 | H11 | HMN2 | HMN2A | HSP22heat shock protein family B (small) member 812q24.23
26586CKAP2LB1 | TMAP | se20-10cytoskeleton associated protein 213q14
64881PCDH20PCDH13protocadherin 2013q21
5101PCDH9-protocadherin 913q21.32
9071CLDN10CPETRL3 | OSP-Lclaudin 1013q31-q34
6564SLC15A1HPECT1 | HPEPT1 | PEPT1solute carrier family 15 member 113q32.3
1073CFL2NEM7cofilin 214q12
6751SSTR1SRIF-2 | SS-1-R | SS1-R | SS1Rsomatostatin receptor 114q13
57161PELI2-pellino E3 ubiquitin protein ligase family member 214q21
1113CHGACGAchromogranin A14q32
145270PRIMA1PRIMAproline rich membrane anchor 114q32.12
9834KIAA0125C14orf110 | FAM30A | HSPC053KIAA012514q32.33
3653IPWNCRNA00002imprinted in Prader-Willi syndrome (non-protein coding)15q11.2
6638SNRPNHCERN3 | PWCR | RT-LI | SM-D | SMN | SNRNP-N | SNURF-SNRPN | sm-Nsmall nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide N15q11.2
2562GABRB3ECA5gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor beta3 subunit15q12
84952CGNL1JACOPcingulin-like 115q21.3
8854ALDH1A2RALDH(II) | RALDH2 | RALDH2-Taldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member A215q21.3
5873RAB27AGS2 | HsT18676 | RAB27 | RAMRAB27A, member RAS oncogene family15q21.3
6095RORANR1F1 | ROR1 | ROR2 | ROR3 | RZR-ALPHA | RZRARAR related orphan receptor A15q22.2
348093RBPMS2-RNA binding protein with multiple splicing 215q22.31
79875THSD4ADAMTSL-6 | ADAMTSL6 | FVSY9334 | PRO34005thrombospondin type 1 domain containing 415q23
4916NTRK3GP145-TrkC | TRKC | gp145(trkC)neurotrophic tyrosine kinase, receptor, type 315q25
50810HDGFRP3CGI-142 | HDGF-2 | HDGF2 | HRP-3hepatoma-derived growth factor, related protein 315q25.2
5346PLIN1FPLD4 | PERI | PLINperilipin 115q26
91947ARRDC4-arrestin domain containing 415q26.3
23336SYNMDMN | SYNsynemin15q26.3
608TNFRSF17BCM | BCMA | CD269 | TNFRSF13Atumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 1716p13.1
18ABATGABA-AT | GABAT | NPD0094-aminobutyrate aminotransferase16p13.2
79191IRX3IRX-1 | IRXB1iroquois homeobox 316q12.2
4493MT1EMT-1E | MT-IE | MT1 | MTDmetallothionein 1E16q13
4494MT1FMT1metallothionein 1F16q13
4496MT1HMT-0 | MT-1H | MT-IH | MT1metallothionein 1H16q13
4501MT1XMT-1l | MT1metallothionein 1X16q13
51090PLLPPMLP | TM4SF11plasmolipin16q13
2775GNAO1EIEE17 | G-ALPHA-o | GNAOG protein subunit alpha o116q13
4094MAFAYGRP | CCA4 | CTRCT21 | c-MAFv-maf avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog16q22-q23
146456TMED6PRO34237 | SPLL9146 | p24g5transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 616q22.1
443ASPAACY2 | ASPaspartoacylase17p13.3
6352CCL5D17S136E | RANTES | SCYA5 | SIS-delta | SISd | TCP228 | eoCPC-C motif chemokine ligand 517q12
2695GIP-gastric inhibitory polypeptide17q21.3-q22
54757FAM20AAI1G | AIGFS | FP2747family with sequence similarity 20 member A17q24.2
361AQP4MIWC | WCH4aquaporin 418q11.2-q12.1
1837DTNAD18S892E | DRP3 | DTN | DTN-A | LVNC1dystrobrevin alpha18q12
4225MEP1B-meprin A subunit beta18q12.2-q12.3
26040SETBP1MRD29 | SEBSET binding protein 118q21.1
28513CDH19CDH7 | CDH7L2cadherin 1918q22.1
1264CNN1HEL-S-14 | SMCC | Sm-Calpcalponin 119p13.2
284391ZNF844-zinc finger protein 84419p13.2
4616GADD45BGADD45BETA | MYD118growth arrest and DNA damage inducible beta19p13.3
2788GNG7-G protein subunit gamma 719p13.3
973CD79AIGA | MB-1CD79a molecule19q13.2
54855FAM46C-family with sequence similarity 46 member C1p12
270AMPD1MAD | MADA | MMDDadenosine monophosphate deaminase 11p13
845CASQ2PDIB2calsequestrin 21p13.1
3953LEPRCD295 | LEP-R | LEPRD | OB-R | OBRleptin receptor1p31
5567PRKACBPKA C-beta | PKACBprotein kinase cAMP-activated catalytic subunit beta1p31.1
79739TTLL7-tubulin tyrosine ligase like 71p31.1
5733PTGER3EP3 | EP3-I | EP3-II | EP3-III | EP3-IV | EP3-VI | EP3e | PGE2-Rprostaglandin E receptor 31p31.2
9829DNAJC6DJC6 | PARK19DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C61p31.3
1600DAB1-Dab, reelin signal transducer, homolog 1 (Drosophila)1p32-p31
9783RIMS3NIM3 | RIM3regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 31p34.2
63976PRDM16CMD1LL | LVNC8 | MEL1 | PFM13PR domain 161p36.32
3570IL6RCD126 | IL-6R-1 | IL-6RA | IL6Q | IL6RA | IL6RQ | gp80interleukin 6 receptor1q21
64218SEMA4ACORD10 | RP35 | SEMAB | SEMBsemaphorin 4A1q22
57823SLAMF719A | CD319 | CRACC | CS1SLAM family member 71q23.1-q24.1
477ATP1A2FHM2 | MHP2ATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 21q23.2
5999RGS4RGP4 | SCZD9regulator of G-protein signaling 41q23.3
4063LY9CD229 | SLAMF3 | hly9 | mLY9lymphocyte antigen 91q23.3
2752GLULGLNS | GS | PIG43 | PIG59glutamate-ammonia ligase1q31
3075CFHAHUS1 | AMBP1 | ARMD4 | ARMS1 | CFHL3 | FH | FHL1 | HF | HF1 | HF2 | HUScomplement factor H1q32
2104ESRRGERR3 | ERRgamma | NR3B3estrogen related receptor gamma1q41
1131CHRM3EGBRS | HM3 | PBScholinergic receptor muscarinic 31q43
1114CHGBSCG1chromogranin B20p12.3
100ADA-adenosine deaminase20q13.12
140628GATA5GATAS | bB379O24.1GATA binding protein 520q13.33
58494JAM2C21orf43 | CD322 | JAM-B | JAMB | PRO245 | VE-JAM | VEJAMjunctional adhesion molecule 221q21.2
9992KCNE2ATFB4 | LQT5 | LQT6 | MIRP1potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily E regulatory subunit 221q22.12
3772KCNJ15IRKK | KIR1.3 | KIR4.2potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily J member 1521q22.2
54097FAM3B2-21 | C21orf11 | C21orf76 | ORF9 | PANDER | PRED44family with sequence similarity 3 member B21q22.3
5967REG1AICRF | P19 | PSP | PSPS | PSPS1 | PTP | REGregenerating family member 1 alpha2p12
2202EFEMP1DHRD | DRAD | FBLN3 | FBNL | FIBL-3 | MLVT | MTLV | S1-5EGF containing fibulin-like extracellular matrix protein 12p16
23683PRKD3EPK2 | PKC-NU | PKD3 | PRKCN | nPKC-NUprotein kinase D32p21
1545CYP1B1CP1B | CYPIB1 | GLC3A | P4501B1cytochrome P450 family 1 subfamily B member 12p22.2
1838DTNB-dystrobrevin beta2p24
4118MAL-mal T-cell differentiation protein2q11.1
3899AFF3LAF4 | MLLT2-likeAF4/FMR2 family member 32q11.2-q12
84417C2orf40ECRG4chromosome 2 open reading frame 402q12.2
6332SCN7ANaG | Nav2.1 | Nav2.2 | SCN6Asodium voltage-gated channel alpha subunit 72q21-q23
3800KIF5CCDCBM2 | KINN | NKHC | NKHC-2 | NKHC2kinesin family member 5C2q23.1
79901CYBRD1CYB561A2 | DCYTB | FRRS3cytochrome b reductase 12q31.1
151556GPR155DEP.7 | DEPDC3 | PGR22G protein-coupled receptor 1552q31.1
151126ZNF385BZNF533zinc finger protein 385B2q31.2-q31.3
92737DNERUNQ26 | betdelta/notch like EGF repeat containing2q36.3
55022PID1HMFN2073 | NYGGF4 | P-CLI1 | PCLI1phosphotyrosine interaction domain containing 12q36.3
2850GPR27SREB1G protein-coupled receptor 273p21-p14
956ENTPD3CD39L3 | HB6 | NTPDase-3ectonucleoside triphosphate diphosphohydrolase 33p21.3
729230CCR2CC-CKR-2 | CCR-2 | CCR2A | CCR2B | CD192 | CKR2 | CKR2A | CKR2B | CMKBR2 | MCP-1-RC-C motif chemokine receptor 23p21.31
25924MYRIPSLAC2-C | SLAC2Cmyosin VIIA and Rab interacting protein3p22.1
27303RBMS3-RNA binding motif, single stranded interacting protein 33p24-p23
80852GRIP2-glutamate receptor interacting protein 23p24-p23
10402ST3GAL6SIAT10 | ST3GALVIST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 63q12.1
28999KLF15KKLFKruppel-like factor 153q21.3
5523PPP2R3APPP2R3 | PR130 | PR72protein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B'', alpha3q22.1
185AGTR1AG2S | AGTR1B | AT1 | AT1AR | AT1B | AT1BR | AT1R | AT2R1 | HAT1Rangiotensin II receptor type 13q24
5274SERPINI1PI12 | neuroserpinserpin peptidase inhibitor, clade I (neuroserpin), member 13q26.1
590BCHECHE1 | CHE2 | E1butyrylcholinesterase3q26.1-q26.2
6514SLC2A2GLUT2solute carrier family 2 member 23q26.2
6657SOX2ANOP3 | MCOPS3SRY-box 23q26.33
9370ADIPOQACDC | ACRP30 | ADIPQTL1 | ADPN | APM-1 | APM1 | GBP28adiponectin, C1Q and collagen domain containing3q27
152573SHISA3hShisa3shisa family member 34p13
5099PCDH7BH-Pcdh | BHPCDH | PPP1R120protocadherin 74p15
9353SLIT2SLIL3 | Slit-2slit guidance ligand 24p15.2
3425IDUAIDA | MPS1iduronidase, alpha-L-4p16.3
3815KITC-Kit | CD117 | PBT | SCFRKIT proto-oncogene receptor tyrosine kinase4q12
2638GCDBP | DBP/GC | GRD3 | Gc-MAF | GcMAF | HEL-S-51 | VDBG | VDBPgroup-specific component (vitamin D binding protein)4q12-q13
7366UGT2B15HLUG4 | UDPGT 2B8 | UDPGT2B15 | UDPGTH3 | UGT2B8UDP glucuronosyltransferase family 2 member B154q13
26228STAP1BRDG1 | STAP-1signal transducing adaptor family member 14q13.2
27284SULT1B1ST1B1 | ST1B2 | SULT1B2sulfotransferase family 1B member 14q13.3
658BMPR1BALK-6 | ALK6 | AMDD | BDA1D | BDA2 | CDw293bone morphogenetic protein receptor type 1B4q22-q24
83478ARHGAP24FILGAP | RC-GAP72 | RCGAP72 | p73 | p73RhoGAPRho GTPase activating protein 244q22.1
125ADH1BADH2 | HEL-S-117alcohol dehydrogenase 1B (class I), beta polypeptide4q23
4547MTTPABL | MTPmicrosomal triglyceride transfer protein4q24
64399HHIPHIPhedgehog interacting protein4q28-q32
4306NR3C2MCR | MLR | MR | NR3C2VITnuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 24q31.1
56034PDGFCFALLOTEIN | SCDGFplatelet derived growth factor C4q32
79884MAP9ASAPmicrotubule associated protein 94q32.1
1363CPECPHcarboxypeptidase E4q32.3
56977STOX2-storkhead box 24q35.1
8470SORBS2ARGBP2 | PRO0618sorbin and SH3 domain containing 24q35.1
729C6-complement component 65p13
730C7-complement component 75p13
2690GHRGHBP | GHIPgrowth hormone receptor5p13-p12
3977LIFRCD118 | LIF-R | SJS2 | STWS | SWSleukemia inhibitory factor receptor alpha5p13-p12
345557PLCXD3-phosphatidylinositol specific phospholipase C X domain containing 35p13.1
134111UBE2QL1-ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 Q family like 15p15.31
285671RNF180RINESring finger protein 1805q12.3
79772MCTP1-multiple C2 and transmembrane domain containing 15q15
22936ELL2-elongation factor for RNA polymerase II 25q15
285704RGMBDRAGONrepulsive guidance molecule family member b5q15
7903ST8SIA4PST | PST1 | SIAT8D | ST8SIA-IVST8 alpha-N-acetylneuraminate alpha-2,8-sialyltransferase 45q21
6414SEPP1SELP | SEPP | SePselenoprotein P, plasma, 15q31
9499MYOTLGMD1 | LGMD1A | MFM3 | TTID | TTODmyotilin5q31
8382NME5NM23-H5 | NM23H5 | RSPH23NME/NM23 family member 55q31
154ADRB2ADRB2R | ADRBR | B2AR | BAR | BETA2ARadrenoceptor beta 25q31-q32
51237MZB1MEDA-7 | PACAP | pERp1marginal zone B and B1 cell specific protein5q31.2
2908NR3C1GCCR | GCR | GCRST | GR | GRLnuclear receptor subfamily 3 group C member 15q31.3
2878GPX3GPx-P | GSHPx-3 | GSHPx-Pglutathione peroxidase 35q33.1
1879EBF1COE1 | EBF | O/E-1 | OLF1early B-cell factor 15q34
2938GSTA1GST-epsilon | GST2 | GSTA1-1 | GTH1glutathione S-transferase alpha 16p12.1
5225PGCPEPC | PGIIprogastricsin (pepsinogen C)6p21.1
3112HLA-DOBDOBmajor histocompatibility complex, class II, DO beta6p21.3
2289FKBP5AIG6 | FKBP51 | FKBP54 | P54 | PPIase | Ptg-10FK506 binding protein 56p21.31
3400ID4IDB4 | bHLHb27inhibitor of DNA binding 4, HLH protein6p22.3
2766GMPRGMPR 1 | GMPR1guanosine monophosphate reductase6p23
2651GCNT2CCAT | CTRCT13 | GCNT2C | GCNT5 | IGNT | II | NACGT1 | NAGCT1 | ULG3 | bA360O19.2 | bA421M1.1glucosaminyl (N-acetyl) transferase 2, I-branching enzyme (I blood group)6p24.2
2162F13A1F13Acoagulation factor XIII A chain6p25.3-p24.3
51465UBE2J1CGI-76 | HSPC153 | HSPC205 | HSU93243 | NCUBE-1 | NCUBE1 | UBC6 | UBC6E | Ubc6pubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 J16q15
10690FUT9Fuc-TIXfucosyltransferase 9 (alpha (1,3) fucosyltransferase)6q16
79694MANEAENDO | hEndomannosidase endo-alpha6q16.1
55084SOBPJXC1 | MRAMSsine oculis binding protein homolog6q21
3908LAMA2LAMMlaminin subunit alpha 26q22-q23
5350PLNCMD1P | CMH18 | PLBphospholamban6q22.1
5570PKIBPRKACN2protein kinase (cAMP-dependent, catalytic) inhibitor beta6q22.31
644150WIPF3CR16WAS/WASL interacting protein family member 37p14.3
445347TARPCD3G | TCRG | TCRGC1 | TCRGC2 | TCRGVTCR gamma alternate reading frame protein7p15-p14
25928SOSTDC1CDA019 | ECTODIN | USAG1sclerostin domain containing 17p21.1
948CD36BDPLT10 | CHDS7 | FAT | GP3B | GP4 | GPIV | PASIV | SCARB3CD36 molecule7q11.2
9863MAGI2ACVRIP1 | AIP-1 | AIP1 | ARIP1 | MAGI-2 | SSCAMmembrane associated guanylate kinase, WW and PDZ domain containing 27q21
1576CYP3A4CP33 | CP34 | CYP3A | CYP3A3 | CYPIIIA3 | CYPIIIA4 | HLP | NF-25 | P450C3 | P450PCN1cytochrome P450 family 3 subfamily A member 47q21.1
5166PDK4-pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase 47q21.3
29969MDFICHICMyoD family inhibitor domain containing7q31.1-q31.2
5803PTPRZ1HPTPZ | HPTPzeta | PTP-ZETA | PTP18 | PTPRZ | PTPZ | R-PTP-zeta-2 | RPTPB | RPTPbeta | phosphacanprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type Z17q31.3
1358CPA2-carboxypeptidase A27q32
6422SFRP1FRP | FRP-1 | FRP1 | FrzA | SARP2secreted frizzled-related protein 18p11.21
5368PNOCN/OFQ | NOP | OFQ | PPNOC | ppN/OFQprepronociceptin8p21
1191CLUAAG4 | APO-J | APOJ | CLI | CLU1 | CLU2 | KUB1 | NA1/NA2 | SGP-2 | SGP2 | SP-40 | TRPM-2 | TRPM2clusterin8p21-p12
286133SCARA5NET33 | Tesrscavenger receptor class A member 58p21.1
2167FABP4A-FABP | AFABP | ALBP | HEL-S-104 | aP2fatty acid binding protein 48q21
284ANGPT1AGP1 | AGPT | ANG1angiopoietin 18q23.1
5168ENPP2ATX | ATX-X | AUTOTAXIN | LysoPLD | NPP2 | PD-IALPHA | PDNP2ectonucleotide pyrophosphatase/phosphodiesterase 28q24.1
7436VLDLRCAMRQ1 | CARMQ1 | CHRMQ1 | VLDLRCHvery low density lipoprotein receptor9p24
256691MAMDC2-MAM domain containing 29q21.12
216ALDH1A1ALDC | ALDH-E1 | ALDH1 | ALDH11 | HEL-9 | HEL-S-53e | HEL12 | PUMB1 | RALDH1aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member A19q21.13
2619GAS1-growth arrest specific 19q21.3-q22
4958OMDOSAD | SLRR2Costeomodulin9q22.31
4128MAOAMAO-Amonoamine oxidase AXp11.3
1756DMDBMD | CMD3B | DXS142 | DXS164 | DXS206 | DXS230 | DXS239 | DXS268 | DXS269 | DXS270 | DXS272 | MRX85dystrophinXp21.2
2824GPM6BM6Bglycoprotein M6BXp22.2
4674NAP1L2BPXnucleosome assembly protein 1 like 2Xq13
5354PLP1GPM6C | HLD1 | MMPL | PLP | PLP/DM20 | PMD | SPG2proteolipid protein 1Xq22
55859BEX1BEX2 | HBEX2 | HGR74-hbrain expressed X-linked 1Xq22.1|Xq22
6594SMARCA1ISWI | NURF140 | SNF2L | SNF2L1 | SNF2LB | SNF2LT | SWI | SWI2 | hSNF2LSWI/SNF related, matrix associated, actin dependent regulator of chromatin, subfamily a, member 1Xq25

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