Search results:

The pahtway p4604 has 367 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 231 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
3799KIF5BHEL-S-61 | KINH | KNS | KNS1 | UKHCkinesin family member 5B10p11.22
220929ZNF438bA330O11.1zinc finger protein 43810p11.23
8829NRP1BDCA4 | CD304 | NP1 | NRP | VEGF165Rneuropilin 110p12
83641FAM107BC10orf45family with sequence similarity 107 member B10p13
84890ADOC10orf222-aminoethanethiol (cysteamine) dioxygenase10q21.3
29760BLNKAGM4 | BASH | BLNK-S | LY57 | SLP-65 | SLP65 | bcaB-cell linker10q23.2-q23.33
120ADD3ADDLadducin 310q25.2
2263FGFR2BBDS | BEK | BFR-1 | CD332 | CEK3 | CFD1 | ECT1 | JWS | K-SAM | KGFR | TK14 | TK25fibroblast growth factor receptor 210q26
10873ME3NADP-MEmalic enzyme 3, NADP(+)-dependent, mitochondrial11cen-q22.3
91252SLC39A13LZT-Hs9solute carrier family 39 member 1311p11.2
2620GAS2-growth arrest specific 211p14.3
6764ST5DENND2B | HTS1 | p126suppression of tumorigenicity 511p15
161AP2A2ADTAB | CLAPA2 | HIP-9 | HIP9 | HYPJadaptor related protein complex 2 alpha 2 subunit11p15.5
64787EPS8L2EPS8R2EPS8 like 211p15.5
4046LSP1WP34 | pp52lymphocyte-specific protein 111p15.5
10413YAP1COB1 | YAP | YAP2 | YAP65 | YKIYes associated protein 111q13
595CCND1BCL1 | D11S287E | PRAD1 | U21B31cyclin D111q13
2495FTH1FHC | FTH | FTHL6 | HFE5 | PIG15 | PLIFferritin, heavy polypeptide 111q13
116535MRGPRFGPR140 | GPR168 | MRGF | RTAMAS related GPR family member F11q13.3
81544GDPD5GDE2 | PP1665glycerophosphodiester phosphodiesterase domain containing 511q13.4-q13.5
4975OMP-olfactory marker protein11q13.5
58473PLEKHB1KPL1 | PHR1 | PHRET1pleckstrin homology domain containing B111q13.5-q14.1
726CAPN5ADNIV | HTRA3 | VRNI | nCL-3calpain 511q14
7069THRSPLPGP1 | Lpgp | S14 | SPOT14 | THRPthyroid hormone responsive11q14.1
114609TIRAPBACTS1 | Mal | MyD88-2 | wyatttoll-interleukin 1 receptor (TIR) domain containing adaptor protein11q24.2
2012EMP1CL-20 | EMP-1 | TMPepithelial membrane protein 112p12.3
9052GPRC5AGPCR5A | PEIG-1 | RAI3 | RAIG1 | TIG1G protein-coupled receptor class C group 5 member A12p13.1
23710GABARAPL1APG8-LIKE | APG8L | ATG8 | ATG8B | ATG8L | GEC1GABA(A) receptor-associated protein like 112p13.2
10867TSPAN9NET-5 | NET5 | PP1057tetraspanin 912p13.33-p13.32
5916RARGNR1B3 | RARCretinoic acid receptor gamma12q13
7471WNT1BMND16 | INT1 | OI15wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 112q13
23017FAIM2LFG | LFG2 | NGP35 | NMP35 | TMBIM2Fas apoptotic inhibitory molecule 212q13
1649DDIT3CEBPZ | CHOP | CHOP-10 | CHOP10 | GADD153DNA damage inducible transcript 312q13.1-q13.2
4035LRP1A2MR | APOER | APR | CD91 | IGFBP3R | LRP | LRP1A | TGFBR5LDL receptor related protein 112q13.3
1848DUSP6HH19 | MKP3 | PYST1dual specificity phosphatase 612q21.33
84101USP44-ubiquitin specific peptidase 4412q22
255394TCP11L2-t-complex 11 like 212q23.3
6311ATXN2ASL13 | ATX2 | SCA2 | TNRC13ataxin 212q24.1
79600TCTN1JBTS13 | TECT1tectonic family member 112q24.11
54509RHOFARHF | RIFras homolog family member F (in filopodia)12q24.31
57605PITPNM2NIR-3 | NIR3 | RDGB2 | RDGBA2phosphatidylinositol transfer protein membrane associated 212q24.31
196383RILPL2RLP2Rab interacting lysosomal protein like 212q24.31
11066SNRNP35HM-1 | U1SNRNPBPsmall nuclear ribonucleoprotein U11/U12 subunit 3512q24.31
222484LNX2PDZRN1ligand of numb-protein X 213q12.2
2098ESDFGHesterase D13q14.1-q14.2
1102RCBTB2CHC1L | RLGRCC1 and BTB domain containing protein 213q14.3
23250ATP11AATPIH | ATPISATPase phospholipid transporting 11A13q34
1073CFL2NEM7cofilin 214q12
22795NID2NID-2nidogen 214q22.1
7043TGFB3ARVD | ARVD1 | LDS5 | RNHF | TGF-beta3transforming growth factor beta 314q24
64207IRF2BPLC14orf4 | EAP1interferon regulatory factor 2 binding protein-like14q24.3
57062DDX24-DEAD-box helicase 2414q32
1152CKBB-CK | BCK | CKBB | HEL-211 | HEL-S-29creatine kinase, brain14q32
115708TRMT61AC14orf172 | GCD14 | Gcd14p | TRM61 | hTRM61tRNA methyltransferase 61A14q32
388021TMEM179C14orf90 | TMEM179Atransmembrane protein 17914q32.33
771CA12CA-XII | CAXII | HsT18816 | T18816carbonic anhydrase XII15q22
4016LOXL1LOL | LOXLlysyl oxidase like 115q22
4091SMAD6AOVD2 | HsT17432 | MADH6 | MADH7SMAD family member 615q22.31
197021LCTLKLG | KLPHlactase like15q22.31
5607MAP2K5HsT17454 | MAPKK5 | MEK5 | PRKMK5mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 515q23
5045FURINFUR | PACE | PCSK3 | SPC1furin, paired basic amino acid cleaving enzyme15q26.1
9738CCP110CP110 | Cep110centriolar coiled-coil protein 110kDa16p12.3
79006METRNC16orf23 | c380A1.2meteorin, glial cell differentiation regulator16p13.3
6123RPL3L-ribosomal protein L3 like16p13.3
51330TNFRSF12ACD266 | FN14 | TWEAKRtumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 12A16p13.3
84662GLIS2NKL | NPHP7GLIS family zinc finger 216p13.3
10232MSLNMPF | SMRPmesothelin16p13.3
4716NDUFB10PDSWNADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit B1016p13.3
10273STUB1CHIP | HSPABP2 | NY-CO-7 | SCAR16 | SDCCAG7 | UBOX1STIP1 homology and U-box containing protein 1, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase16p13.3
4313MMP2CLG4 | CLG4A | MMP-2 | MMP-II | MONA | TBE-1matrix metallopeptidase 216q12.2
6645SNTB2D16S2531E | EST25263 | SNT2B2 | SNT3 | SNTLsyntrophin beta 216q22.1
146433IL34C16orf77 | IL-34interleukin 3416q22.1
5119CHMP1ACHMP1 | PCH8 | PCOLN3 | PRSM1 | VPS46-1 | VPS46Acharged multivesicular body protein 1A16q24.3
79007DBNDD1-dysbindin (dystrobrevin binding protein 1) domain containing 116q24.3
2622GAS8CILD33 | DRC4 | GAS11growth arrest specific 816q24.3
55090MED9MED25mediator complex subunit 917p11.2
8741TNFSF13APRIL | CD256 | TALL-2 | TALL2 | TNLG7B | TRDL-1 | UNQ383/PRO715 | ZTNF2tumor necrosis factor superfamily member 1317p13.1
9572NR1D1EAR1 | THRA1 | THRAL | ear-1 | hRevnuclear receptor subfamily 1 group D member 117q11.2
6143RPL19L19ribosomal protein L1917q12
11072DUSP14MKP-L | MKP6dual specificity phosphatase 1417q12
782CACNB1CAB1 | CACNLB1 | CCHLB1calcium voltage-gated channel auxiliary subunit beta 117q12
1655DDX5G17P1 | HLR1 | HUMP68 | p68DEAD-box helicase 517q21
4302MLLT6AF17myeloid/lymphoid or mixed-lineage leukemia; translocated to, 617q21
65266WNK4PHA2B | PRKWNK4WNK lysine deficient protein kinase 417q21.2
113026PLCD3PLC-delta-3phospholipase C delta 317q21.31
90799CEP95CCDC45centrosomal protein 95kDa17q23.3
26207PITPNC1M-RDGB-beta | MRDGBbeta | RDGB-BETA | RDGBB | RDGBB1phosphatidylinositol transfer protein, cytoplasmic 117q24.2
54757FAM20AAI1G | AIGFS | FP2747family with sequence similarity 20 member A17q24.2
114897C1QTNF1CTRP1 | GIP | ZSIG37C1q and tumor necrosis factor related protein 117q25.3
84617TUBB6HsT1601 | TUBB-5tubulin beta 6 class V18p11.21
115098CCDC124-coiled-coil domain containing 12419p13.11
84769MPV17L2FKSG24MPV17 mitochondrial membrane protein-like 219p13.11
54858PGPEP1PAP-I | PGP | PGP-I | PGPI | Pcppyroglutamyl-peptidase I19p13.11
811CALRCRT | HEL-S-99n | RO | SSA | cC1qRcalreticulin19p13.13
7297TYK2IMD35 | JTK1tyrosine kinase 219p13.2
29911HOOK2HK2hook microtubule-tethering protein 219p13.2
3726JUNBAP-1jun B proto-oncogene19p13.2
170961ANKRD24-ankyrin repeat domain 2419p13.3
682BSG5F7 | CD147 | EMMPRIN | M6 | OK | TCSFbasigin (Ok blood group)19p13.3
5802PTPRSPTPSIGMAprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type S19p13.3
6794STK11LKB1 | PJS | hLKB1serine/threonine kinase 1119p13.3
826CAPNS1CALPAIN4 | CANP | CANPS | CAPN4 | CDPS | CSS1calpain small subunit 119q13.12
2901GRIK5EAA2 | GRIK2 | GluK5 | KA2glutamate ionotropic receptor kainate type subunit 519q13.2
3991LIPEAOMS4 | FPLD6 | HSL | LHSlipase E, hormone sensitive type19q13.2
5296PIK3R2MPPH | MPPH1 | P85B | p85 | p85-BETAphosphoinositide-3-kinase regulatory subunit 219q13.2-q13.4
23521RPL13AL13A | TSTA1ribosomal protein L13a19q13.3
1760DMPKDM | DM1 | DM1PK | DMK | MDPK | MT-PKdystrophia myotonica protein kinase19q13.3
58506SCAF1SRA1SR-related CTD associated factor 119q13.3-q13.4
2512FTLLFTD | NBIA3ferritin, light polypeptide19q13.33
6237RRAS-related RAS viral (r-ras) oncogene homolog19q13.33
389RHOCARH9 | ARHC | H9 | RHOH9ras homolog family member C1p13.1
29957SLC25A24APC1 | SCAMC-1solute carrier family 25 member 241p13.3
271AMPD2PCH9 | SPG63adenosine monophosphate deaminase 21p13.3
51611DPH5AD-018 | CGI-30 | HSPC143 | NPD015diphthamide biosynthesis 51p21.2
34ACADMACAD1 | MCAD | MCADHacyl-CoA dehydrogenase, C-4 to C-12 straight chain1p31
8880FUBP1FBP | FUBP | hDH Vfar upstream element binding protein 11p31.1
6487ST3GAL3EIEE15 | MRT12 | SIAT6 | ST3GALII | ST3GalIII | ST3NST3 beta-galactoside alpha-2,3-sialyltransferase 31p34.1
84842HPDL4-HPPD-L | GLOXD14-hydroxyphenylpyruvate dioxygenase-like1p34.1
2048EPHB2CAPB | DRT | EK5 | EPHT3 | ERK | Hek5 | PCBC | Tyro5EPH receptor B21p36.1-p35
128272ARHGEF19WGEFRho guanine nucleotide exchange factor 191p36.13
11315PARK7DJ-1 | DJ1 | HEL-S-67pParkinsonism associated deglycase1p36.23
6279S100A860B8AG | CAGA | CFAG | CGLA | CP-10 | L1Ag | MA387 | MIF | MRP8 | NIF | P8S100 calcium binding protein A81q21
1942EFNA1B61 | ECKLG | EFL1 | EPLG1 | LERK-1 | LERK1 | TNFAIP4ephrin-A11q21-q22
8407TAGLN2HA1756transgelin 21q21-q25
29097CNIH4CNIH-4 | HSPC163cornichon family AMPA receptor auxiliary protein 41q42.11
4931NVLNVL2nuclear VCP-like1q42.11
4811NID1NIDnidogen 11q43
25909AHCTF1ELYS | MST108 | MSTP108 | TMBS62AT-hook containing transcription factor 11q44
54453RIN2MACS | RASSF4Ras and Rab interactor 220p11.22
3420IDH3BH-IDHB | RP46isocitrate dehydrogenase 3 (NAD+) beta20p13
60436TGIF2-TGFB induced factor homeobox 220q11.23
6714SRCASV | SRC1 | c-SRC | p60-SrcSRC proto-oncogene, non-receptor tyrosine kinase20q12-q13
11065UBE2CUBCH10 | dJ447F3.2ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 C20q13.12
51604PIGTCGI-06 | MCAHS3 | NDAP | PNH2phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class T20q13.12
81030ZBP1C20orf183 | DAI | DLM-1 | DLM1Z-DNA binding protein 120q13.31
9885OSBPL2DFNA67 | DNFA67 | ORP-2 | ORP2oxysterol binding protein like 220q13.33
754PTTG1IPC21orf1 | C21orf3 | PBFpituitary tumor-transforming 1 interacting protein21q22.3
7078TIMP3HSMRK222 | K222 | K222TA2 | SFDTIMP metallopeptidase inhibitor 322q12.3
1565CYP2D6CPD6 | CYP2D | CYP2D7AP | CYP2D7BP | CYP2D7P2 | CYP2D8P2 | CYP2DL1 | CYPIID6 | P450-DB1 | P450C2D | P450DB1cytochrome P450 family 2 subfamily D member 622q13.1
9463PICK1PICK | PRKCABPprotein interacting with PRKCA 122q13.1
29775CARD10BIMP1 | CARMA3caspase recruitment domain family member 1022q13.1
25777SUN2UNC84BSad1 and UNC84 domain containing 222q13.1
23616SH3BP1ARHGAP43SH3-domain binding protein 122q13.1
8398PLA2G6CaI-PLA2 | GVI | INAD1 | IPLA2-VIA | NBIA2 | NBIA2A | NBIA2B | PARK14 | PLA2 | PNPLA9 | iPLA2 | iPLA2betaphospholipase A2 group VI22q13.1
171568POLR3HRPC22.9 | RPC8polymerase (RNA) III subunit H22q13.2
27254CSDC2PIPPIN | dJ347H13.2cold shock domain containing C222q13.2
410ARSAMLDarylsulfatase A22q13.33
6711SPTBN1ELF | HEL102 | SPTB2 | betaSpIIspectrin beta, non-erythrocytic 12p21
23433RHOQARHQ | HEL-S-42 | RASL7A | TC10 | TC10Aras homolog family member Q2p21
9475ROCK2ROCK-IIRho associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase 22p24
130497OSR1ODDodd-skipped related transciption factor 12p24.1
55654TMEM127-transmembrane protein 1272q11.2
8440NCK2GRB4 | NCKbetaNCK adaptor protein 22q12
10018BCL2L11BAM | BIM | BODBCL2 like 112q13
3557IL1RNDIRA | ICIL-1RA | IL-1RN | IL-1ra | IL-1ra3 | IL1F3 | IL1RA | IRAP | MVCD4interleukin 1 receptor antagonist2q14.2
344191EVX2EVX-2even-skipped homeobox 22q31.1
3238HOXD12HOX4Hhomeobox D122q31.1
3239HOXD13BDE | BDSD | HOX4I | SPDhomeobox D132q31.1
316AOX1AO | AOH1aldehyde oxidase 12q33
80219COQ10B-coenzyme Q10B2q33.1
2335FN1CIG | ED-B | FINC | FN | FNZ | GFND | GFND2 | LETS | MSFfibronectin 12q34
10039PARP3ADPRT3 | ADPRTL2 | ADPRTL3 | ARTD3 | IRT1 | PADPRT-3poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family member 33p21.2
259173ALS2CLRN49018ALS2 C-terminal like3p21.31
7155TOP2BTOPIIB | top2betatopoisomerase (DNA) II beta3p24
5915RARBHAP | MCOPS12 | NR1B2 | RRB2retinoic acid receptor beta3p24.2
92106OXNAD1-oxidoreductase NAD-binding domain containing 13p25-p24
2199FBLN2-fibulin 23p25.1
8553BHLHE40BHLHB2 | DEC1 | HLHB2 | SHARP-2 | STRA13 | Stra14basic helix-loop-helix family member e403p26
4071TM4SF1H-L6 | L6 | M3S1 | TAAL6transmembrane 4 L six family member 13q21-q25
8971H1FXH1.10 | H1XH1 histone family member X3q21.3
25937WWTR1TAZWW domain containing transcription regulator 13q23-q24
1356CPCP-2ceruloplasmin (ferroxidase)3q23-q25
4154MBNL1EXP | MBNLmuscleblind like splicing regulator 13q25
6498SKILSNO | SnoA | SnoI | SnoNSKI-like proto-oncogene3q26
151742PPM1LPP2C-epsilon | PP2CE | PPM1-LIKEprotein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1L3q26.1
116449CLNKMISTcytokine dependent hematopoietic cell linker4p16.1
166785MMAAcblAmethylmalonic aciduria (cobalamin deficiency) cblA type4q31.21
291SLC25A4AAC1 | ANT | ANT 1 | ANT1 | MTDPS12 | PEO2 | PEO3 | PEOA2 | T1solute carrier family 25 member 44q35
115548FCHO2-FCH domain only 25q13.2
256987SERINC5C5orf12 | TPO1serine incorporator 55q14.1
22836RHOBTB3-Rho related BTB domain containing 35q15
1809DPYSL3CRMP-4 | CRMP4 | DRP-3 | DRP3 | LCRMP | ULIP | ULIP-1dihydropyrimidinase like 35q32
8817FGF18FGF-18 | ZFGF5fibroblast growth factor 185q34
8878SQSTM1A170 | FTDALS3 | OSIL | PDB3 | ZIP3 | p60 | p62 | p62Bsequestosome 15q35
9260PDLIM7LMP1 | LMP3PDZ and LIM domain 75q35.3
80230RUFY1RABIP4 | ZFYVE12RUN and FYVE domain containing 15q35.3
7422VEGFAMVCD1 | VEGF | VPFvascular endothelial growth factor A6p12
667DSTBP240 | BPA | BPAG1 | CATX-15 | CATX15 | D6S1101 | DMH | DT | EBSB2 | HSAN6 | MACF2dystonin6p12.1
3159HMGA1HMG-R | HMGA1A | HMGIYhigh mobility group AT-hook 16p21
6048RNF5RING5 | RMA1ring finger protein 5, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase6p21.3
3006HIST1H1CH1.2 | H1C | H1F2 | H1s-1histone cluster 1, H1c6p21.3
10554AGPAT11-AGPAT1 | G15 | LPAAT-alpha | LPAATA1-acylglycerol-3-phosphate O-acyltransferase 16p21.3
696BTN1A1BT | BTN | BTN1butyrophilin subfamily 1 member A16p22.1
8342HIST1H2BMH2B/e | H2BFE | dJ160A22.3histone cluster 1, H2bm6p22.1
51299NRN1NRN | dJ380B8.2neuritin 16p25.1
10758TRAF3IP2ACT1 | C6orf2 | C6orf4 | C6orf5 | C6orf6 | CANDF8 | CIKS | PSORS13TRAF3 interacting protein 26q21
6446SGK1SGKserum/glucocorticoid regulated kinase 16q23
223082ZNRF2RNF202zinc and ring finger 2, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase7p14.3
11185INMTTEMTindolethylamine N-methyltransferase7p14.3
26031OSBPL3ORP-3 | ORP3 | OSBP3oxysterol binding protein like 37p15
3206HOXA10HOX1 | HOX1.8 | HOX1H | PLhomeobox A107p15.2
3209HOXA13HOX1 | HOX1Jhomeobox A137p15.2
4697NDUFA4CI-9k | CI-MLRQ | MLRQNDUFA4, mitochondrial complex associated7p21.3
6624FSCN1FAN1 | HSN | SNL | p55fascin actin-bundling protein 17p22
84629TNRC18CAGL79 | TNRC18Atrinucleotide repeat containing 187p22.1
1357CPA1CPAcarboxypeptidase A17q32
11194ABCB8EST328128 | M-ABC1 | MABC1ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 87q36
1846DUSP4HVH2 | MKP-2 | MKP2 | TYPdual specificity phosphatase 48p12-p11
2936GSRHEL-75 | HEL-S-122mglutathione reductase8p21.1
64236PDLIM2MYSTIQUE | SLIMPDZ and LIM domain 28p21.3
23221RHOBTB2DBC2Rho related BTB domain containing 28p21.3
1508CTSBAPPS | CPSBcathepsin B8p22
9821RB1CC1ATG17 | CC1 | FIP200 | PPP1R131RB1 inducible coiled-coil 18q11
23213SULF1SULF-1sulfatase 18q13.2
5828PEX2PAF1 | PBD5A | PBD5B | PMP3 | PMP35 | PXMP3 | RNF72 | ZWS3peroxisomal biogenesis factor 28q21.1
79870BAALC-brain and acute leukemia, cytoplasmic8q22.3
11236RNF139HRCA1 | RCA1 | TRC8ring finger protein 1398q24
4982TNFRSF11BOCIF | OPG | PDB5 | TR1tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 11b8q24
8000PSCAPRO232prostate stem cell antigen8q24.2
8629JRKJH8 | jerkyJrk helix-turn-helix protein8q24.3
7169TPM2AMCD1 | DA1 | DA2B | HEL-S-273 | NEM4 | TMSBtropomyosin 2 (beta)9p13
301ANXA1ANX1 | LPC1annexin A19q21.13
1759DNM1DNM | EIEE31dynamin 19q34
6303SAT1DC21 | KFSD | KFSDX | SAT | SSAT | SSAT-1spermidine/spermine N1-acetyltransferase 1Xp22.1
2539G6PDG6PD1glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenaseXq28

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