Search results:

The pahtway p3559 has 863 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 514 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
252839TMEM9TMEM9Atransmembrane protein 9-
8453CUL2-cullin 210p11.21
94134ARHGAP12-Rho GTPase activating protein 1210p11.22
648BMI1FLVI2/BMI1 | PCGF4 | RNF51 | flvi-2/bmi-1BMI1 proto-oncogene, polycomb ring finger10p11.23
23412COMMD3BUP | C10orf8COMM domain containing 310p12.2
11164NUDT5YSA1 | YSA1H | YSAH1 | hYSAH1nudix hydrolase 510p14
23560GTPBP4CRFG | NGB | NOG1GTP binding protein 410p15-p14
3422IDI1IPP1 | IPPI1isopentenyl-diphosphate delta isomerase 110p15.3
9188DDX21GUA | GURDB | RH-II/GU | RH-II/GuADEAD-box helicase 2110q21
5464PPA1HEL-S-66p | IOPPP | PP | PP1 | SID6-8061pyrophosphatase (inorganic) 110q22.1
23234DNAJC9HDJC9 | JDD1 | SB73DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C910q22.2
81619TSPAN14DC-TM4F2 | TM4SF14tetraspanin 1410q23.1
3433IFIT2G10P2 | GARG-39 | IFI-54 | IFI-54K | IFI54 | IFIT-2 | ISG-54 K | ISG-54K | ISG54 | P54 | cig42interferon induced protein with tetratricopeptide repeats 210q23.31
84896ATAD1AFDC1 | FNP001 | THORASEATPase family, AAA domain containing 110q23.31
57559STAMBPL1ALMalpha | AMSH-FP | AMSH-LP | bA399O19.2STAM binding protein like 110q23.31
23401FRAT2-frequently rearranged in advanced T-cell lymphomas 210q24.1
84986ARHGAP19-Rho GTPase activating protein 1910q24.1
79004CUEDC2C10orf66 | bA18I14.5CUE domain containing 210q24.32
118980SFXN2-sideroflexin 210q24.32
25911DPCD-deleted in primary ciliary dyskinesia homolog (mouse)10q24.32
79803HPS6BLOC2S3HPS6, biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 2 subunit 310q24.32
9644SH3PXD2AFISH | SH3MD1 | TKS5SH3 and PX domains 2A10q24.33
9126SMC3BAM | BMH | CDLS3 | CSPG6 | HCAP | SMC3L1structural maintenance of chromosomes 310q25
9446GSTO1GSTO 1-1 | GSTTLp28 | HEL-S-21 | P28 | SPG-Rglutathione S-transferase omega 110q25.1
966CD5916.3A5 | 1F5 | EJ16 | EJ30 | EL32 | G344 | HRF-20 | HRF20 | MAC-IP | MACIF | MEM43 | MIC11 | MIN1 | MIN2 | MIN3 | MIRL | MSK21 | p18-20CD59 molecule11p13
10480EIF3MB5 | GA17 | PCID1 | TANGO7 | hfl-B5eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit M11p13
4005LMO2RBTN2 | RBTNL1 | RHOM2 | TTG2LIM domain only 211p13
6207RPS13S13ribosomal protein S1311p15
4925NUCB2HEL-S-109 | NEFAnucleobindin 211p15.1
9646CTR9SH2BP1 | TSBP | p150 | p150TSPCTR9 homolog, Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component11p15.3
23258DENND5ARAB6IP1DENN domain containing 5A11p15.4
10978CLP1HEAB | hClp1cleavage and polyadenylation factor I subunit 111q12
83759RBM4BRBM30 | RBM4L | ZCCHC15 | ZCCHC21B | ZCRB3BRNA binding motif protein 4B11q13
5499PPP1CAPP-1A | PP1A | PP1alpha | PPP1Aprotein phosphatase 1 catalytic subunit alpha11q13
8772FADDGIG3 | MORT1Fas associated via death domain11q13.3
55004LAMTOR1C11orf59 | PDRO | Ragulator1 | p18 | p27RF-Rholate endosomal/lysosomal adaptor, MAPK and MTOR activator 111q13.4
8322FZD4CD344 | EVR1 | FEVR | FZD4S | Fz-4 | Fz4 | FzE4 | GPCR | hFz4frizzled class receptor 411q14.2
10525HYOU1GRP-170 | Grp170 | HSP12A | ORP-150 | ORP150hypoxia up-regulated 111q23.1-q23.3
25996REXO2CGI-114 | REX2 | RFN | SFNRNA exonuclease 211q23.2
7070THY1CD90 | CDw90Thy-1 cell surface antigen11q23.3
51399TRAPPC4CGI-104 | HSPC172 | PTD009 | SBDN | SYNBINDIN | TRS23trafficking protein particle complex 411q23.3
6230RPS25S25ribosomal protein S2511q23.3
3014H2AFXH2A.X | H2A/X | H2AXH2A histone family member X11q23.3
3703STT3AITM1 | STT3-A | TMCSTT3A, catalytic subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex11q23.3
3709ITPR2ANHD | CFAP48 | INSP3R2 | IP3R2inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 212p11
51067YARS2CGI-04 | MLASA2 | MT-TYRRS | TYRRStyrosyl-tRNA synthetase 212p11.21
160518DENND5B-DENN domain containing 5B12p11.21
51026GOLT1BCGI-141 | GCT2 | GOT1 | GOT1B | YMR292Wgolgi transport 1B12p12.1
7450VWFF8VWF | VWDvon Willebrand factor12p13.3
928CD9BTCC-1 | DRAP-27 | MIC3 | MRP-1 | TSPAN-29 | TSPAN29CD9 molecule12p13.3
113246C12orf57C10 | GRCC10chromosome 12 open reading frame 5712p13.31
196527ANO6BDPLT7 | SCTS | TMEM16Fanoctamin 612q12
144402CPNE8-copine 812q12
377ARF3-ADP ribosylation factor 312q13
84790TUBA1CTUBA6 | bcm948tubulin alpha 1c12q13.12
85406DNAJC14DNAJ | DRIP78 | HDJ3 | LIP6DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C1412q13.2
4141MARSCMT2U | ILFS2 | ILLD | METRS | MRS | MTRNS | SPG70methionyl-tRNA synthetase12q13.3
8914TIMELESSTIM | TIM1 | hTIMtimeless circadian clock12q13.3
56901NDUFA4L2NUOMSNADH dehydrogenase (ubiquinone) 1 alpha subcomplex, 4-like 212q13.3
11260XPOTXPO3exportin for tRNA12q14.2
117177RAB3IPRABIN3 | RABIN8RAB3A interacting protein12q15
7334UBE2NHEL-S-71 | UBC13 | UBCHBEN; UBC13 | UbcH-ben | UbcH13ubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 N12q22
1407CRY1PHLL1cryptochrome circadian clock 112q23-q24.1
79023NUP37p37nucleoporin 37kDa12q23.2
400ARL1ARFL1ADP ribosylation factor like GTPase 112q23.2
10970CKAP4CLIMP-63 | ERGIC-63 | p63cytoskeleton-associated protein 412q23.3
7296TXNRD1GRIM-12 | TR | TR1 | TRXR1 | TXNRthioredoxin reductase 112q23.3
121053C12orf45-chromosome 12 open reading frame 4512q23.3
51699VPS29DC15 | DC7 | PEP11VPS29, retromer complex component12q24
79600TCTN1JBTS13 | TECT1tectonic family member 112q24.11
488ATP2A2ATP2B | DAR | DD | SERCA2ATPase sarcoplasmic/endoplasmic reticulum Ca2+ transporting 212q24.11
84749USP30-ubiquitin specific peptidase 3012q24.11
84260TCHPTpMstrichoplein keratin filament binding12q24.11
6175RPLP0L10E | LP0 | P0 | PRLP0 | RPP0ribosomal protein lateral stalk subunit P012q24.2
144348ZNF664ZFOC1 | ZNF176zinc finger protein 66412q24.31
143PARP4ADPRTL1 | ARTD4 | PARP-4 | PARPL | PH5P | VAULT3 | VPARP | VWA5C | p193poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase family member 413q11
10808HSPH1HSP105 | HSP105A | HSP105B | NY-CO-25heat shock protein family H (Hsp110) member 113q12.3
51569UFM1BM-002 | C13orf20ubiquitin-fold modifier 113q13.3
1948EFNB2EPLG5 | HTKL | Htk-L | LERK5ephrin-B213q33
54841BIVM-basic, immunoglobulin-like variable motif containing13q33.1
1282COL4A1BSVD | RATORcollagen type IV alpha 113q34
7027TFDP1DILC | DP1 | DRTF1 | Dp-1transcription factor Dp-113q34
5911RAP2AK-REV | KREV | RAP2 | RbBP-30RAP2A, member of RAS oncogene family13q34
328APEX1APE | APE1 | APEN | APEX | APX | HAP1 | REF1apurinic/apyrimidinic endodeoxyribonuclease 114q11.2
54930HAUS4C14orf94HAUS augmin like complex subunit 414q11.2
60686C14orf93-chromosome 14 open reading frame 9314q11.2
5018OXA1LOXA1oxidase (cytochrome c) assembly 1-like14q11.2
5693PSMB5LMPX | MB1 | Xproteasome subunit beta 514q11.2
29091STXBP6HSPC156 | amisynsyntaxin binding protein 614q12
26277TINF2DKCA3 | TIN2TERF1 (TRF1)-interacting nuclear factor 214q12
60485SAV1SAV | WW45 | WWP4salvador family WW domain containing protein 114q13-q23
171546SPTSSAC14orf147 | SSSPTAserine palmitoyltransferase small subunit A14q13.1
9692KIAA0391MRPP3 | PRORPKIAA039114q13.2
6166RPL36ALRPL36Aribosomal protein L36a like14q21
27109ATP5SATPW | FB | HSU79253ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial Fo complex subunit s (factor B)14q21.3
2764GMFBGMFglia maturation factor beta14q22.2
93487MAPK1IP1LC14orf32 | MISS | c14_5346mitogen-activated protein kinase 1 interacting protein 1-like14q22.3
10972TMED10P24(DELTA) | S31I125 | S31III125 | TMP21 | Tmp-21-I | p23 | p24d1transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 1014q24.3
6218RPS17DBA4 | RPS17L | RPS17L1 | RPS17L2 | S17ribosomal protein S1715q
51621KLF13BTEB3 | FKLF2 | NSLP1 | RFLAT-1 | RFLAT1Kruppel-like factor 1315q12
55505NOP10DKCB1 | NOLA3 | NOP10PNOP10 ribonucleoprotein15q14-q15
4236MFAP1-microfibrillar associated protein 115q15.3
55930MYO5C-myosin VC15q21
8669EIF3JEIF3S1 | eIF3-alpha | eIF3-p35eukaryotic translation initiation factor 3 subunit J15q21.1
10776ARPP19ARPP-16 | ARPP-19 | ARPP16 | ENSALcAMP regulated phosphoprotein 19kDa15q21.2
9488PIGBGPI-MT-III | PIG-Bphosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class B15q21.3
10081PDCD7ES18 | HES18programmed cell death 715q22.31
9325TRIP4ASC-1 | ASC1 | HsT17391 | ZC2HC5thyroid hormone receptor interactor 415q22.31
80349WDR61REC14 | SKI8WD repeat domain 6115q25.1
374659HDDC3(ppGpp)ase | MESH1HD domain containing 315q26.1
9055PRC1ASE1protein regulator of cytokinesis 115q26.1
6210RPS15AS15aribosomal protein S15a16p
1201CLN3BTS | JNCLceroid-lipofuscinosis, neuronal 316p12.1
124454EARS2COXPD12 | MSE1 | gluRSglutamyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial16p12.2
255027MPV17LM-LPH | MLPH1 | MLPH2 | MPV17L1MPV17 mitochondrial membrane protein-like16p13.11
116028RMI2BLAP18 | C16orf75RecQ mediated genome instability 216p13.13
79006METRNC16orf23 | c380A1.2meteorin, glial cell differentiation regulator16p13.3
527ATP6V0CATP6C | ATP6L | ATPL | VATL | VPPC | Vma3ATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit c16p13.3
388272C16orf87-chromosome 16 open reading frame 8716q11.2
55737VPS35MEM3 | PARK17VPS35, retromer complex component16q12
79191IRX3IRX-1 | IRXB1iroquois homeobox 316q12.2
10300KATNB1KAT | LIS6katanin p80 (WD repeat containing) subunit B 116q21
51192CKLFC32 | CKLF1 | CKLF2 | CKLF3 | CKLF4 | HSPC224 | UCK-1chemokine-like factor16q21
10664CTCFMRD21CCCTC-binding factor16q22.1
1003CDH57B4 | CD144cadherin 516q22.1
7014TERF2TRBF2 | TRF2telomeric repeat binding factor 216q22.1
23536ADAT1HADAT1adenosine deaminase, tRNA specific 116q23.1
51659GINS2HSPC037 | PSF2 | Pfs2GINS complex subunit 2 (Psf2 homolog)16q24.1
6154RPL26DBA11 | L26ribosomal protein L2617p13
6117RPA1HSSB | MST075 | REPA1 | RF-A | RP-A | RPA70replication protein A117p13.3
708C1QBPGC1QBP | HABP1 | SF2p32 | gC1Q-R | gC1qR | p32complement component 1, q subcomponent binding protein17p13.3
5216PFN1ALS18profilin 117p13.3
6388SDF2-stromal cell derived factor 217q11.2
147007TMEM199C17orf32 | CDG2P | VMA12 | VPH2transmembrane protein 19917q11.2
6352CCL5D17S136E | RANTES | SCYA5 | SIS-delta | SISd | TCP228 | eoCPC-C motif chemokine ligand 517q12
10197PSME3HEL-S-283 | Ki | PA28-gamma | PA28G | PA28gamma | REG-GAMMAproteasome activator subunit 317q21
146923RUNDC1-RUN domain containing 117q21.31
6668SP2-Sp2 transcription factor17q21.32
2896GRNCLN11 | GEP | GP88 | PCDGF | PEPI | PGRNgranulin17q21.32
51649MRPS23CGI-138 | HSPC329 | MRP-S23mitochondrial ribosomal protein S2317q22
10040TOM1L1OK/KNS-CL.3 | SRCASMtarget of myb1 like 1 membrane trafficking protein17q23.2
5635PRPSAP1PAP39phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase-associated protein 117q24-q25
3838KPNA2IPOA1 | QIP2 | RCH1 | SRP1-alpha | SRP1alphakaryopherin subunit alpha 217q24.2
51321AMZ2-archaelysin family metallopeptidase 217q24.2
55062WIPI1ATG18 | ATG18A | WIPI49WD repeat domain, phosphoinositide interacting 117q24.2
23580CDC42EP4BORG4 | CEP4 | KAIA1777CDC42 effector protein 417q25.1
57409MIF4GDAD023 | MIFD | SLIP1MIF4G domain containing17q25.1
3396ICT1DS-1 | DS1 | MRP-L58immature colon carcinoma transcript 117q25.1
9775EIF4A3DDX48 | MUK34 | NMP265 | NUK34 | RCPS | eIF4AIIIeukaryotic translation initiation factor 4A317q25.3
124583CANT1DBQD | DBQD1 | SCAN-1 | SCAN1 | SHAPYcalcium activated nucleotidase 117q25.3
125058TBC1D16-TBC1 domain family member 1617q25.3
57132CHMP1BC10orf2 | C18-ORF2 | C18orf2 | CHMP1.5 | Vps46-2 | Vps46B | hVps46-2charged multivesicular body protein 1B18p11.21
4864NPC1NPCNiemann-Pick disease, type C118q11.2
23327NEDD4LNEDD4-2 | NEDD4.2 | RSP5 | hNEDD4-2neural precursor cell expressed, developmentally down-regulated 4-like, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase18q21.31
79939SLC35E1-solute carrier family 35 member E119p13.11
25804LSM4GRP | YER112WLSM4 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated19p13.11
8529CYP4F2CPF2cytochrome P450 family 4 subfamily F member 219p13.12
4125MAN2B1LAMAN | MANBmannosidase alpha class 2B member 119p13.2
1786DNMT1ADCADN | AIM | CXXC9 | DNMT | HSN1E | MCMT | m.HsaIDNA (cytosine-5-)-methyltransferase 119p13.2
83483PLVAPFELS | PV-1 | PV1 | gp68plasmalemma vesicle associated protein19p13.2
5605MAP2K2CFC4 | MAPKK2 | MEK2 | MKK2 | PRKMK2mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 219p13.3
587BCAT2BCAM | BCATM | BCT2 | PP18branched chain amino acid transaminase 219q13
56915EXOSC5RRP41B | RRP46 | Rrp46p | hRrp46p | p12Bexosome component 519q13.1
9141PDCD5TFAR19programmed cell death 519q13.11
8463TEAD2ETF | TEAD-2 | TEF-4 | TEF4TEA domain transcription factor 219q13.3
8605PLA2G4CCPLA2-gammaphospholipase A2 group IVC19q13.3
6193RPS5S5ribosomal protein S519q13.4
65982ZSCAN18ZNF447zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 1819q13.43
4893NRASALPS4 | CMNS | N-ras | NCMS | NRAS1 | NS6neuroblastoma RAS viral (v-ras) oncogene homolog1p13.2
1901S1PR1CD363 | CHEDG1 | D1S3362 | ECGF1 | EDG-1 | EDG1 | S1P1sphingosine-1-phosphate receptor 11p21
51611DPH5AD-018 | CGI-30 | HSPC143 | NPD015diphthamide biosynthesis 51p21.2
199857ALG14CMS15ALG14, UDP-N-acetylglucosaminyltransferase subunit1p21.3
55144LRRC8DLRRC5leucine-rich repeat containing 8 family member D1p22.2
115361GBP4Mpa2guanylate binding protein 41p22.2
83941TM2D1BBPTM2 domain containing 11p31.3
55277FGGY-FGGY carbohydrate kinase domain containing1p32.1
4116MAGOHMAGOH1 | MAGOHAmago homolog, exon junction complex core component1p32.3
4520MTF1MTF-1 | ZRFmetal-regulatory transcription factor 11p33
991CDC20CDC20A | bA276H19.3 | p55CDCcell division cycle 201p34.1
5690PSMB2HC7-Iproteasome subunit beta 21p34.2
84967LSM10MST074 | MSTP074LSM10, U7 small nuclear RNA associated1p34.3
51538ZCCHC17HSPC251 | PS1D | pNO40zinc finger CCHC-type containing 171p35.2
65979PHACTR4PPP1R124phosphatase and actin regulator 41p35.3
6883TAF12TAF2J | TAFII20TATA-box binding protein associated factor 121p35.3
10236HNRNPRHNRPR | hnRNP-Rheterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein R1p36.12
10277UBE4BE4 | HDNB1 | UBOX3 | UFD2 | UFD2Aubiquitination factor E4B1p36.3
54460MRPS21MDS016 | MRP-S21 | RPMS21mitochondrial ribosomal protein S211q21
27173SLC39A1ZIP1 | ZIRTLsolute carrier family 39 member 11q21
2629GBAGBA1 | GCB | GLUCglucosidase, beta, acid1q21
6281S100A1042C | ANX2L | ANX2LG | CAL1L | CLP11 | Ca[1] | GP11 | P11 | p10S100 calcium binding protein A101q21
5692PSMB4HN3 | HsN3 | PROS-26 | PROS26proteasome subunit beta 41q21
8407TAGLN2HA1756transgelin 21q21-q25
128077LIX1L-limb and CNS expressed 1 like1q21.1
653505PPIAL4ACOAS-2 | COAS2 | PPIAL4 | PPIAL4Bpeptidylprolyl isomerase A like 4A1q21.1
8682PEA15HMAT1 | HUMMAT1H | MAT1 | MAT1H | PEA-15 | PEDphosphoprotein enriched in astrocytes 151q21.1
11311VPS45H1 | H1VPS45 | SCN5 | VPS45A | VPS45B | VPS54A | VSP45 | VSP45Avacuolar protein sorting 45 homolog (S. cerevisiae)1q21.2
8337HIST2H2AA3H2A | H2A.2 | H2A/O | H2A/q | H2AFO | H2a-615 | HIST2H2AAhistone cluster 2, H2aa31q21.2
8349HIST2H2BEGL105 | H2B | H2B.1 | H2BFQ | H2BGL105 | H2BQhistone cluster 2, H2be1q21.2
1163CKS1BCKS1 | PNAS-16 | PNAS-18 | ckshs1CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 1B1q21.2
10262SF3B4AFD1 | Hsh49 | SAP49 | SF3b49splicing factor 3b subunit 41q21.2
55204GOLPH3LGPP34Rgolgi phosphoprotein 3 like1q21.3
81609SNX27MRT1 | MY014sorting nexin family member 271q21.3
55585UBE2Q1GTAP | NICE-5 | PRO3094 | UBE2Qubiquitin conjugating enzyme E2 Q11q21.3
4000LMNACDCD1 | CDDC | CMD1A | CMT2B1 | EMD2 | FPL | FPLD | FPLD2 | HGPS | IDC | LDP1 | LFP | LGMD1B | LMN1 | LMNC | LMNL1 | PRO1lamin A/C1q22
7371UCK2TSA903 | UK | UMPKuridine-cytidine kinase 21q23
4259MGST3GST-IIImicrosomal glutathione S-transferase 31q23
2153F5FVL | PCCF | RPRGL1 | THPH2coagulation factor V1q23
8490RGS5MST092 | MST106 | MST129 | MSTP032 | MSTP092 | MSTP106 | MSTP129regulator of G-protein signaling 51q23.1
79590MRPL24L24mt | MRP-L18 | MRP-L24mitochondrial ribosomal protein L241q23.1
261726TIPRLTIP | TIP41TOR signaling pathway regulator1q23.2
5824PEX19D1S2223E | HK33 | PBD12A | PMP1 | PMPI | PXF | PXMP1peroxisomal biogenesis factor 191q23.2
126823KLHDC9KARCA1kelch domain containing 91q23.3
23215PRRC2CBAT2-iso | BAT2D1 | BAT2L2 | XTP2proline rich coiled-coil 2C1q23.3
481ATP1B1ATP1BATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit beta 11q24
57645POGKBASS2 | KRBOX2 | LST003pogo transposable element with KRAB domain1q24.1
26092TOR1AIP1LAP1 | LAP1Btorsin 1A interacting protein 11q24.2
9917FAM20Bgxk1family with sequence similarity 20 member B1q25
27252KLHL20KHLHX | KLEIP | KLHLXkelch like family member 201q25.1
9213XPR1IBGC6 | SYG1 | X3xenotropic and polytropic retrovirus receptor 11q25.1
64326RFWD2COP1 | RNF200ring finger and WD repeat domain 2, E3 ubiquitin protein ligase1q25.1-q25.2
84320ACBD6-acyl-CoA binding domain containing 61q25.3
259266ASPMASP | Calmbp1 | MCPH5abnormal spindle microtubule assembly1q31
2165F13BFXIIIBcoagulation factor XIII B chain1q31-q32.1
51377UCHL5CGI-70 | INO80R | UCH-L5 | UCH37ubiquitin C-terminal hydrolase L51q32
9580SOX13ICA12 | Sox-13SRY-box 131q32
5929RBBP5RBQ3 | SWD1retinoblastoma binding protein 51q32
59349KLHL12C3IP1 | DKIRkelch like family member 121q32.1
55705IPO9Imp9importin 91q32.1
10765KDM5BCT31 | JARID1B | PLU-1 | PLU1 | PPP1R98 | PUT1 | RBBP2H1A | RBP2-H1lysine demethylase 5B1q32.1
5525PPP2R5AB56A | PR61Aprotein phosphatase 2 regulatory subunit B', alpha1q32.2-q32.3
2058EPRSEARS | GLUPRORS | PARS | PIG32 | QARS | QPRSglutamyl-prolyl-tRNA synthetase1q41
142PARP1ADPRT | ADPRT 1 | ADPRT1 | ARTD1 | PARP | PARP-1 | PPOL | pADPRT-1poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase 11q41-q42
8443GNPATDAP-AT | DAPAT | DHAPAT | RCDP2glyceronephosphate O-acyltransferase1q42
7107GPR137BTM7SF1G protein-coupled receptor 137B1q42-q43
7257TSNAXTRAXtranslin-associated factor X1q42.1
2052EPHX1EPHX | EPOX | HYL1 | MEHepoxide hydrolase 11q42.1
29097CNIH4CNIH-4 | HSPC163cornichon family AMPA receptor auxiliary protein 41q42.11
64746ACBD3GCP60 | GOCAP1 | GOLPH1 | PAP7acyl-CoA binding domain containing 31q42.12
29920PYCR2HLD10 | P5CR2pyrroline-5-carboxylate reductase family member 21q42.12
116841SNAP47C1orf142 | ESFI5812 | HEL-S-290 | HEL170 | SNAP-47 | SVAP1synaptosome associated protein 47kDa1q42.13
5664PSEN2AD3L | AD4 | CMD1V | PS2 | STM2presenilin 21q42.13
84886C1orf198-chromosome 1 open reading frame 1981q42.2
128061C1orf131-chromosome 1 open reading frame 1311q42.2
84284NTPCRC1orf57 | HCR-NTPasenucleoside-triphosphatase, cancer-related1q42.2
23029RBM34-RNA binding motif protein 341q42.3
9453GGPS1GGPPS | GGPPS1geranylgeranyl diphosphate synthase 11q43
64216TFB2MHkp1 | mtTFB2transcription factor B2, mitochondrial1q44
8455ATRNDPPT-L | MGCAattractin20p13
140809SRXN1C20orf139 | Npn3 | SRX | SRX1sulfiredoxin 120p13
6628SNRPBCCMS | COD | SNRPB1 | Sm-B/B' | SmB/B' | SmB/SmB' | snRNP-Bsmall nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptides B and B120p13
23054NCOA6AIB3 | ASC2 | NRC | PRIP | RAP250 | TRBPnuclear receptor coactivator 620q11
22919MAPRE1EB1microtubule associated protein RP/EB family member 120q11.1-q11.23
83658DYNLRB1BITH | BLP | DNCL2A | DNLC2A | ROBLD1dynein light chain roadblock-type 120q11.21
191AHCYSAHH | adoHcyaseadenosylhomocysteinase20q11.22
60625DHX35C20orf15 | DDX35 | KAIA0875DEAH-box helicase 3520q11.22-q12
55969C20orf24PNAS-11 | RIP5chromosome 20 open reading frame 2420q11.23
81610FAM83DC20orf129 | CHICA | dJ616B8.3family with sequence similarity 83 member D20q11.23
23051ZHX3TIX1zinc fingers and homeoboxes 320q12
9935MAFBKRML | MCTOv-maf avian musculoaponeurotic fibrosarcoma oncogene homolog B20q12
81031SLC2A10ATS | GLUT10solute carrier family 2 member 1020q13.1
5770PTPN1PTP1Bprotein tyrosine phosphatase, non-receptor type 120q13.1-q13.2
51604PIGTCGI-06 | MCAHS3 | NDAP | PNH2phosphatidylinositol glycan anchor biosynthesis class T20q13.12
6227RPS21HLDF | S21ribosomal protein S2120q13.3
10950BTG3ANA | TOB5 | TOB55 | TOFABTG family member 321q21.1
10694CCT8C21orf112 | Cctq | D21S246 | PRED71chaperonin containing TCP1 subunit 821q22.11
3588IL10RBCDW210B | CRF2-4 | CRFB4 | D21S58 | D21S66 | IL-10R2interleukin 10 receptor subunit beta21q22.11
754PTTG1IPC21orf1 | C21orf3 | PBFpituitary tumor-transforming 1 interacting protein21q22.3
8624PSMG1C21LRP | DSCR2 | LRPC21 | PAC-1 | PAC1proteasome (prosome, macropain) assembly chaperone 121q22.3
7485WRBCHD5 | GET1tryptophan rich basic protein21q22.3
4668NAGAD22S674 | GALBN-acetylgalactosaminidase, alpha-22q11
56478EIF4ENIF14E-T | Clast4eukaryotic translation initiation factor 4E nuclear import factor 122q11.2
64976MRPL40L40mt | MRP-L22 | MRP-L40 | MRPL22 | NLVCF | URIMmitochondrial ribosomal protein L4022q11.2
23753SDF2L1-stromal cell derived factor 2 like 122q11.21
1399CRKL-v-crk avian sarcoma virus CT10 oncogene homolog-like22q11.21
5902RANBP1HTF9ARAN binding protein 122q11.21
5625PRODHHSPOX2 | PIG6 | POX | PRODH1 | PRODH2 | TP53I6proline dehydrogenase (oxidase) 122q11.21
9342SNAP29CEDNIK | SNAP-29synaptosome associated protein 29kDa22q11.21
25829TMEM184BC22orf5 | FM08 | HS5O6A | HSPC256transmembrane protein 184B22q12
150275CCDC117dJ366L4.1coiled-coil domain containing 11722q12.1
23541SEC14L2C22orf6 | SPF | TAP | TAP1SEC14 like lipid binding 222q12.2
4733DRG1NEDD3developmentally regulated GTP binding protein 122q12.2
6721SREBF2SREBP-2 | SREBP2 | bHLHd2sterol regulatory element binding transcription factor 222q13
23492CBX7-chromobox 722q13.1
7008TEF-thyrotrophic embryonic factor22q13.2
26286ARFGAP3ARFGAP1ADP ribosylation factor GTPase activating protein 322q13.2
410ARSAMLDarylsulfatase A22q13.33
6305SBF1CMT4B3 | DENND7A | MTMR5SET binding factor 122q13.33
9792SERTAD2Sei-2 | TRIP-Br2SERTA domain containing 22p14
9736USP34-ubiquitin specific peptidase 342p15
7514XPO1CRM1 | emb | exp1exportin 12p15
2956MSH6GTBP | GTMBP | HNPCC5 | HSAP | p160mutS homolog 62p16
27248ERLEC1C2orf30 | CIM | CL24936 | CL25084 | HEL117 | XTP3-B | XTP3TPBendoplasmic reticulum lectin 12p16.2
90411MCFD2F5F8D | F5F8D2 | LMAN1IP | SDNSFmultiple coagulation factor deficiency 22p21
9553MRPL33C2orf1 | L33mt | MRP-L33 | RPL33Lmitochondrial ribosomal protein L332p21
79833GEMIN6-gem nuclear organelle associated protein 62p22.1
11321GPN1ATPBD1A | MBDIN | NTPBP | RPAP4 | XAB1GPN-loop GTPase 12p23.3
2976GTF3C2TFIIIC-BETA | TFIIIC110general transcription factor IIIC subunit 22p23.3
22950SLC4A1APHLC3solute carrier family 4 member 1 adaptor protein2p23.3
4358MPV17MTDPS6 | SYM1MpV17 mitochondrial inner membrane protein2p23.3
9475ROCK2ROCK-IIRho associated coiled-coil containing protein kinase 22p24
64342HS1BP3ETM2 | HS1-BP3HCLS1 binding protein 32p24.1
130502TTC32-tetratricopeptide repeat domain 322p24.1
28951TRIB2C5FW | GS3955 | TRB2tribbles pseudokinase 22p24.3
52ACP1HAAP | LMW-PTPacid phosphatase 1, soluble2p25
4953ODC1ODCornithine decarboxylase 12p25
10130PDIA6ERP5 | P5 | TXNDC7protein disulfide isomerase family A member 62p25.1
7260TSSC1-tumor suppressing subtransferable candidate 12p25.3
8853ASAP2AMAP2 | CENTB3 | DDEF2 | PAG3 | PAP | Pap-alpha | SHAG1ArfGAP with SH3 domain, ankyrin repeat and PH domain 22p25|2p24
3685ITGAVCD51 | MSK8 | VNRA | VTNRintegrin subunit alpha V2q31-q32
79901CYBRD1CYB561A2 | DCYTB | FRRS3cytochrome b reductase 12q31.1
23314SATB2GLSSSATB homeobox 22q33
3417IDH1HEL-216 | HEL-S-26 | IDCD | IDH | IDP | IDPC | PICDisocitrate dehydrogenase 1 (NADP+)2q33.3
10267RAMP1-receptor (G protein-coupled) activity modifying protein 12q36-q37.1
55619DOCK10DRIP2 | Nbla10300 | ZIZ3dedicator of cytokinesis 102q36.2
1841DTYMKCDC8 | PP3731 | TMPK | TYMKdeoxythymidylate kinase2q37.3
2632GBE1APBD | GBE | GSD4glucan (1,4-alpha-), branching enzyme 13p12.3
26018LRIG1LIG-1 | LIG1leucine-rich repeats and immunoglobulin-like domains 13p14
9861PSMD6Rpn7 | S10 | SGA-113M | p42A | p44S10proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 63p14.1
9039UBA3NAE2 | UBE1C | hUBA3ubiquitin like modifier activating enzyme 33p14.1
201626PDE122'-PDEphosphodiesterase 123p14.3
51099ABHD5CDS | CGI58 | IECN2 | NCIE2abhydrolase domain containing 53p21
11344TWF2A6RP | A6r | MSTP011 | PTK9Ltwinfilin actin binding protein 23p21.1
28972SPCS1HSPC033 | SPC1 | SPC12 | YJR010C-Asignal peptidase complex subunit 13p21.1
24142NAT6FUS-2 | FUS2N-acetyltransferase 63p21.3
4292MLH1COCA2 | FCC2 | HNPCC | HNPCC2 | hMLH1mutL homolog 13p21.3
7866IFRD2IFNRP | SKMc15 | SM15interferon-related developmental regulator 23p21.3
7867MAPKAPK33PK | MAPKAP-K3 | MAPKAP3 | MAPKAPK-3 | MK-3mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 33p21.3
65010SLC26A6-solute carrier family 26 member 63p21.3
79714CCDC51-coiled-coil domain containing 513p21.31
64925CCDC71-coiled-coil domain containing 713p21.31
2803GOLGA4CRPF46 | GCP2 | GOLG | MU-RMS-40.18 | p230golgin A43p22-p21.3
9852EPM2AIP1-EPM2A (laforin) interacting protein 13p22.1
10289EIF1BGC20eukaryotic translation initiation factor 1B3p22.1
25994HIGD1AHIG1 | RCF1aHIG1 hypoxia inducible domain family member 1A3p22.1
201595STT3BCDG1X | SIMP | STT3-BSTT3B, catalytic subunit of the oligosaccharyltransferase complex3p23
23609MKRN2HSPC070 | RNF62makorin ring finger protein 23p25
27258LSM3SMX4 | USS2 | YLR438CLSM3 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated3p25.1
6529SLC6A1GABATHG | GABATR | GAT1 | MAEsolute carrier family 6 member 13p25.3
10342TFGHMSNP | SPG57 | TF6 | TRKT3TRK-fused gene3q12.2
56987BBXARTC1 | HBP2 | HSPC339 | MDS001bobby sox homolog (Drosophila)3q13.1
64422ATG3APG3 | APG3-LIKE | APG3L | PC3-96autophagy related 33q13.2
6578SLCO2A1MATR1 | OATP2A1 | PGT | PHOAR2 | SLC21A2solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 2A13q21
26577PCOLCE2PCPE2procollagen C-endopeptidase enhancer 23q21-q24
84925DIRC2RCC4disrupted in renal carcinoma 23q21.1
56667MUC13DRCC1 | MUC-13mucin 13, cell surface associated3q21.2
28999KLF15KKLFKruppel-like factor 153q21.3
9276COPB2beta'-COPcoatomer protein complex subunit beta 2 (beta prime)3q23
8833GMPS-guanine monophosphate synthase3q24
27230SERP1RAMP4stress-associated endoplasmic reticulum protein 13q25.1
51714SELT-selenoprotein T3q25.1
51319RSRC1BM-011 | SFRS21 | SRrp53arginine/serine-rich coiled-coil 13q25.32
86ACTL6AACTL6 | ARPN-BETA | Arp4 | BAF53A | INO80Kactin like 6A3q26.33
131118DNAJC19PAM18 | TIM14 | TIMM14DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C193q26.33
55689YEATS2-YEATS domain containing 23q27.1
5708PSMD2P97 | RPN1 | S2 | TRAP2proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 23q27.1
5437POLR2HRPABC3 | RPB17 | RPB8polymerase (RNA) II subunit H3q28
5504PPP1R2IPP-2 | IPP2protein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 23q29
7037TFRCCD71 | IMD46 | T9 | TFR | TFR1 | TR | TRFR | p90transferrin receptor3q29
22916NCBP2CBC2 | CBP20 | NIP1 | PIG55nuclear cap binding protein subunit 23q29
152002XXYLT1C3orf21xyloside xylosyltransferase 13q29
55646LYARZC2HC2 | ZLYARLy1 antibody reactive4p16.3
5471PPATATASE | GPAT | PRATphosphoribosyl pyrophosphate amidotransferase4q12
84273NOA1C4orf14 | MTG3 | hAtNOS1 | hNOA1 | mAtNOS1nitric oxide associated 14q12
4283CXCL9CMK | Humig | MIG | SCYB9 | crg-10C-X-C motif chemokine ligand 94q21
58478ENOPH1E1 | MASA | MST145 | mtnCenolase-phosphatase 14q21.22
57563KLHL8-kelch like family member 84q22.1
8404SPARCL1MAST 9 | MAST9 | PIG33 | SC1SPARC like 14q22.1
152926PPM1KBDP | MSUDMV | PP2Ckappa | PP2Cm | PTMP | UG0882E07protein phosphatase, Mg2+/Mn2+ dependent 1K4q22.1
23173METAP1MAP1A | MetAP1Amethionyl aminopeptidase 14q23
3015H2AFZH2A.Z-1 | H2A.z | H2A/z | H2AZH2A histone family member Z4q24
9061PAPSS1ATPSK1 | PAPSS | SK13'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphosulfate synthase 14q24
79071ELOVL6FACE | FAE | LCEELOVL fatty acid elongase 64q25
9871SEC24DCLCRP2SEC24 homolog D, COPII coat complex component4q26
3148HMGB2HMG2high mobility group box 24q31
5481PPIDCYP-40 | CYPDpeptidylprolyl isomerase D4q31.3
152503SH3D19EBP | EVE1 | Kryn | SH3P19SH3 domain containing 194q31.3
54969C4orf27-chromosome 4 open reading frame 274q33
2195FAT1CDHF7 | CDHR8 | FAT | ME5 | hFat1FAT atypical cadherin 14q35
291SLC25A4AAC1 | ANT | ANT 1 | ANT1 | MTDPS12 | PEO2 | PEO3 | PEOA2 | T1solute carrier family 25 member 44q35
29102DROSHAETOHI2 | HSA242976 | RANSE3L | RN3 | RNASE3L | RNASENdrosha ribonuclease III5p13.3
54505DHX29DDX29DEAH-box helicase 295q11.2
153129SLC38A9URLC11solute carrier family 38 member 95q11.2
91942NDUFAF2B17.2L | MMTN | NDUFA12L | mimitinNADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase complex assembly factor 25q12.1
8546AP3B1ADTB3 | ADTB3A | HPS | HPS2 | PEadaptor related protein complex 3 beta 1 subunit5q14.1
5480PPICCYPCpeptidylprolyl isomerase C5q23.2
5813PURAMRD31 | PUR-ALPHA | PUR1 | PURALPHApurine-rich element binding protein A5q31
8974P4HA2-prolyl 4-hydroxylase subunit alpha 25q31
2107ETF1D5S1995 | ERF | ERF1 | RF1 | SUP45L1 | TB3-1eukaryotic translation termination factor 15q31.1
153527ZMAT2Ptg-12 | Snu23zinc finger matrin-type 25q31.3
23438HARS2HARSL | HARSR | HO3 | PRLTS2histidyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial5q31.3
3550IKCSA2 | REDIK cytokine, down-regulator of HLA II5q31.3
54853WDR55-WD repeat domain 555q31.3
51520LARSHSPC192 | ILFS1 | LARS1 | LEURS | LEUS | LFIS | LRS | PIG44 | RNTLS | hr025Clleucyl-tRNA synthetase5q32
134510UBLCP1CPUB1ubiquitin like domain containing CTD phosphatase 15q33.3
821CANXCNX | IP90 | P90calnexin5q35
51121RPL26L1RPL26P1ribosomal protein L26 like 15q35.1
8992ATP6V0E1ATP6H | ATP6V0E | M9.2 | Vma21 | Vma21pATPase H+ transporting V0 subunit e15q35.1
57179KIAA1191p33MONOX | p60MONOXKIAA11915q35.2
55651NHP2DKCB2 | NHP2P | NOLA2NHP2 ribonucleoprotein5q35.3
27232GNMTHEL-S-182mPglycine N-methyltransferase6p12
4172MCM3HCC5 | P1-MCM3 | P1.h | RLFBminichromosome maintenance complex component 36p12
3326HSP90AB1D6S182 | HSP84 | HSP90B | HSPC2 | HSPCBheat shock protein 90kDa alpha family class B member 16p12
2938GSTA1GST-epsilon | GST2 | GSTA1-1 | GTH1glutathione S-transferase alpha 16p12.1
28978TMEM14AC6orf73 | PTD011transmembrane protein 14A6p12.2
988CDC5LCDC5 | CDC5-LIKE | CEF1 | PCDC5RP | dJ319D22.1cell division cycle 5 like6p21
441150C6orf226-chromosome 6 open reading frame 2266p21.1
57505AARS2AARSL | COXPD8 | LKENP | MT-ALARS | MTALARSalanyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial6p21.1
10695CNPY3CAG4A | ERDA5 | PRAT4A | TNRC5canopy FGF signaling regulator 36p21.1
10817FRS3FRS2-beta | FRS2B | FRS2beta | SNT-2 | SNT2fibroblast growth factor receptor substrate 36p21.1
3106HLA-BAS | Bw-47 | Bw-50 | HLAB | SPDA1major histocompatibility complex, class I, B6p21.3
3107HLA-CD6S204 | HLA-JY3 | HLAC | HLC-C | PSORS1major histocompatibility complex, class I, C6p21.3
8449DHX16DBP2 | DDX16 | PRO2014 | PRP8 | PRPF2 | Prp2DEAH-box helicase 166p21.3
3134HLA-FCDA12 | HLA-5.4 | HLA-CDA12 | HLAFmajor histocompatibility complex, class I, F6p21.3
2968GTF2H4P52 | TFB2 | TFIIHgeneral transcription factor IIH subunit 46p21.3
10786SLC17A3GOUT4 | NPT4 | UAQTL4solute carrier family 17 member 36p21.3
10471PFDN6H2-KE2 | HKE2 | KE-2 | PFD6prefoldin subunit 66p21.3
10473HMGN4HMG17L3 | NHChigh mobility group nucleosomal binding domain 46p21.3
3303HSPA1AHEL-S-103 | HSP70-1 | HSP70-1A | HSP70.1 | HSP70I | HSP72 | HSPA1heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1A6p21.3
3304HSPA1BHSP70-1B | HSP70-2 | HSP70.2heat shock protein family A (Hsp70) member 1B6p21.3
10211FLOT1-flotillin 16p21.3
3006HIST1H1CH1.2 | H1C | H1F2 | H1s-1histone cluster 1, H1c6p21.3
23564DDAH2DDAH | DDAHII | G6a | HEL-S-277 | NG30dimethylarginine dimethylaminohydrolase 26p21.3
10537UBDFAT10 | GABBR1 | UBD-3ubiquitin D6p21.3
9656MDC1NFBD1mediator of DNA damage checkpoint 16p21.3
7920ABHD16ABAT5 | D6S82E | NG26 | PP199abhydrolase domain containing 16A6p21.3
6890TAP1ABC17 | ABCB2 | APT1 | D6S114E | PSF-1 | PSF1 | RING4 | TAP1*0102N | TAP1Ntransporter 1, ATP-binding cassette, sub-family B (MDR/TAP)6p21.3
7923HSD17B8D6S2245E | FABG | FABGL | H2-KE6 | HKE6 | KE6 | RING2 | SDR30C1 | dJ1033B10.9hydroxysteroid (17-beta) dehydrogenase 86p21.3
28973MRPS18BC6orf14 | HSPC183 | HumanS18a | MRP-S18-2 | MRPS18-2 | PTD017 | S18amtmitochondrial ribosomal protein S18B6p21.3
2289FKBP5AIG6 | FKBP51 | FKBP54 | P54 | PPIase | Ptg-10FK506 binding protein 56p21.31
6732SRPK1SFRSK1SRSF protein kinase 16p21.31
29964PRICKLE4C6orf49 | OBTP | OEBT | TOMM6prickle planar cell polarity protein 46p21.31
6631SNRPCU1C | Yhc1small nuclear ribonucleoprotein polypeptide C6p21.31
221504ZBTB9ZNF919zinc finger and BTB domain containing 96p21.32
85236HIST1H2BKH2B/S | H2BFAiii | H2BFT | H2BKhistone cluster 1, H2bk6p21.33
5987TRIM27RFP | RNF76tripartite motif containing 276p22
80345ZSCAN16ZNF392 | ZNF435 | dJ265C24.3zinc finger and SCAN domain containing 166p22.1
79897RPP21C6orf135 | CAT60ribonuclease P/MRP 21kDa subunit6p22.1
11118BTN3A2BT3.2 | BTF4 | BTN3.2 | CD277butyrophilin subfamily 3 member A26p22.1
8334HIST1H2ACH2A/l | H2AFL | dJ221C16.4histone cluster 1, H2ac6p22.1
29116MYLIPIDOL | MIRmyosin regulatory light chain interacting protein6p22.3
81688C6orf62Nbla00237 | XTP12 | dJ30M3.2chromosome 6 open reading frame 626p22.3
9972NUP153HNUP153 | N153nucleoporin 153kDa6p22.3
51406NOL7C6orf90 | PQBP3 | RARG-1 | dJ223E5.2nucleolar protein 76p23
3720JARID2JMJjumonji and AT-rich interaction domain containing 26p24-p23
51522TMEM14CC6orf53 | HSPC194 | MSTP073 | NET26 | bA421M1.6transmembrane protein 14C6p24.2
2296FOXC1ARA | FKHL7 | FREAC-3 | FREAC3 | IGDA | IHG1 | IRID1 | RIEG3forkhead box C16p25
2762GMDSGMD | SDR3E1GDP-mannose 4,6-dehydratase6p25
94234FOXQ1HFH1forkhead box Q16p25
10667FARS2COXPD14 | FARS1 | HSPC320 | PheRSphenylalanyl-tRNA synthetase 2, mitochondrial6p25.1
4082MARCKS80K-L | MACS | PKCSL | PRKCSLmyristoylated alanine rich protein kinase C substrate6q22.2
23328SASH1SH3D6A | dJ323M4 | dJ323M4.1SAM and SH3 domain containing 16q24.3
29074MRPL18HSPC071 | L18mt | MRP-L18mitochondrial ribosomal protein L186q25.3
51373MRPS17HSPC011 | MRP-S17 | RPMS17 | S17mtmitochondrial ribosomal protein S177p11
81552VOPP1ECOP | GASPvesicular, overexpressed in cancer, prosurvival protein 17p11.2
23480SEC61GSSS1Sec61 translocon gamma subunit7p11.2
222068TMED4ERS25 | GMP25iso | HNLF | p24a3 | p24alpha3transmembrane p24 trafficking protein 47p13
79020C7orf25-chromosome 7 open reading frame 257p14.1
8887TAX1BP1CALCOCO3 | T6BP | TXBP151Tax1 (human T-cell leukemia virus type I) binding protein 17p15
11097NUPL2CG1 | NLP-1 | NLP_1 | hCG1nucleoporin like 27p15
54504CPVLHVLPcarboxypeptidase, vitellogenic like7p15.1
4521NUDT1MTH1nudix hydrolase 17p22
11014KDELR2ELP-1 | ERD2.2KDEL endoplasmic reticulum protein retention receptor 27p22.1
23353SUN1UNC84ASad1 and UNC84 domain containing 17p22.3
26608TBL2WBSCR13 | WS-betaTRPtransducin (beta)-like 27q11.23
84163GTF2IRD2FP630 | GTF2IRD2 alpha | GTF2IRD2AGTF2I repeat domain containing 27q11.23
1174AP1S1AP19 | CLAPS1 | EKV3 | MEDNIK | SIGMA1Aadaptor related protein complex 1 sigma 1 subunit7q22.1
23165NUP205C7orf14nucleoporin 205kDa7q33
1020CDK5LIS7 | PSSALREcyclin-dependent kinase 57q36
6009RHEBRHEB2Ras homolog enriched in brain7q36
6386SDCBPMDA-9 | MDA9 | ST1 | SYCL | TACIP18syndecan binding protein8q12
23212RRS1-ribosome biogenesis regulator homolog8q13.1
9650MTFR1CHPPR | FAM54A2mitochondrial fission regulator 18q13.1
23462HEY1BHLHb31 | CHF2 | HERP2 | HESR1 | HRT-1 | OAF1 | hHRT1hes related family bHLH transcription factor with YRPW motif 18q21
2167FABP4A-FABP | AFABP | ALBP | HEL-S-104 | aP2fatty acid binding protein 48q21
5828PEX2PAF1 | PBD5A | PBD5B | PMP3 | PMP35 | PXMP3 | RNF72 | ZWS3peroxisomal biogenesis factor 28q21.1
6921TCEB1SIII | eloCtranscription elongation factor B subunit 18q21.11
6156RPL30L30ribosomal protein L308q22
7381UQCRBMC3DN3 | QCR7 | QP-C | QPC | UQBC | UQBP | UQCR6 | UQPCubiquinol-cytochrome c reductase binding protein8q22
6383SDC2CD362 | HSPG | HSPG1 | SYND2syndecan 28q22-q23
7553ZNF7HF.16 | KOX4 | zf30zinc finger protein 78q24
64798DEPTORDEP.6 | DEPDC6DEP domain containing MTOR-interacting protein8q24.12
83940TATDN1CDA11TatD DNase domain containing 18q24.13
9897KIAA0196RTSC | RTSC1 | SPG8KIAA01968q24.13
65265C8orf33-chromosome 8 open reading frame 338q24.3
84948TIGD5-tigger transposable element derived 58q24.3
51010EXOSC3CGI-102 | PCH1B | RRP40 | Rrp40p | bA3J10.7 | hRrp-40 | p10exosome component 39p11
7016TESK1-testis-specific kinase 19p13
25853DCAF12CT102 | KIAA1892 | TCC52 | WDR40ADDB1 and CUL4 associated factor 129p13.3
51510CHMP5C9orf83 | CGI-34 | HSPC177 | PNAS-2 | SNF7DC2 | Vps60charged multivesicular body protein 59p13.3
26953RANBP6-RAN binding protein 69p24.1
81689ISCA1HBLD2 | ISA1 | hIscAiron-sulfur cluster assembly 19q21.33
1164CKS2CKSHS2CDC28 protein kinase regulatory subunit 29q22
158293FAM120AOSC9orf10OSfamily with sequence similarity 120A opposite strand9q22.31
23424TDRD7CATC4 | PCTAIRE2BP | TRAPtudor domain containing 79q22.33
55357TBC1D2PARIS-1 | PARIS1 | TBC1D2ATBC1 domain family member 29q22.33
2790GNG10-G protein subunit gamma 109q31.3
4702NDUFA8CI-19KD | CI-PGIV | PGIVNADH:ubiquinone oxidoreductase subunit A89q33.2
10383TUBB4BBeta2 | TUBB2 | TUBB2Ctubulin beta 4B class IVb9q34
27348TOR1BDQ1torsin family 1 member B9q34
3934LCN224p3 | MSFI | NGAL | p25lipocalin 29q34
6709SPTAN1EIEE5 | NEAS | SPTA2spectrin alpha, non-erythrocytic 19q34.11
138428PTRH1C9orf115 | PTH1peptidyl-tRNA hydrolase 1 homolog9q34.11
83543AIF1LC9orf58 | IBA2allograft inflammatory factor 1-like9q34.13-q34.3
8573CASKCAGH39 | CAMGUK | CMG | FGS4 | LIN2 | MICPCH | MRXSNA | TNRC8calcium/calmodulin-dependent serine protein kinase (MAGUK family)Xp11.4
5931RBBP7RbAp46retinoblastoma binding protein 7Xp22.2
5230PGK1HEL-S-68p | MIG10 | PGKAphosphoglycerate kinase 1Xq13.3
5716PSMD10dJ889N15.2 | p28 | p28(GANK)proteasome 26S subunit, non-ATPase 10Xq22.3
3251HPRT1HGPRT | HPRThypoxanthine phosphoribosyltransferase 1Xq26.1
27336HTATSF1TAT-SF1 | TATSF1 | dJ196E23.2HIV-1 Tat specific factor 1Xq26.3
3654IRAK1IRAK | pelleinterleukin 1 receptor associated kinase 1Xq28

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