Search results:

The pahtway p4079 has 491 genes in the original annotation. Currently, there are 319 genes in SZGR (with evidence in schizophrenia) that are present at this pathway.

Gene ID Symbol Synonyms Official Full Name Start Site End Site Location
2572GAD2GAD65glutamate decarboxylase 210p11.23
2625GATA3HDR | HDRSGATA binding protein 310p15
9806SPOCK2testican-2sparc/osteonectin, cwcv and kazal-like domains proteoglycan (testican) 210pter-q25.3
220963SLC16A9C10orf36 | MCT9solute carrier family 16 member 910q21.2
219738C10orf35-chromosome 10 open reading frame 3510q22.1
10718NRG3HRG3 | pro-NRG3neuregulin 310q23.1
3257HPS1BLOC3S1 | HPSHPS1, biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 3 subunit 110q23.1-q23.3
5950RBP4MCOPCB10 | RDCCASretinol binding protein 410q23.33
7093TLL2-tolloid like 210q24.1
118788PIK3AP1BCAPphosphoinositide-3-kinase adaptor protein 110q24.1
79803HPS6BLOC2S3HPS6, biogenesis of lysosomal organelles complex 2 subunit 310q24.32
5791PTPREHPTPE | PTPE | R-PTP-EPSILONprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type E10q26
84504NKX6-2GTX | NKX6.2 | NKX6BNK6 homeobox 210q26
10570DPYSL4CRMP3 | DRP-4 | ULIP4dihydropyrimidinase like 410q26
119587CPXM2CPX2 | UNQ676carboxypeptidase X (M14 family), member 210q26.13
256536TCERG1L-transcription elongation regulator 1 like10q26.3
9479MAPK8IP1IB1 | JIP-1 | JIP1 | PRKM8IPmitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein 111p11.2
57586SYT13-synaptotagmin 1311p11.2
60529ALX4CRS5 | FND2ALX homeobox 411p11.2
90993CREB3L1OASIScAMP responsive element binding protein 3-like 111p11.2
56675NRIP3C11orf14 | NY-SAR-105nuclear receptor interacting protein 311p15.3
1028CDKN1CBWCR | BWS | KIP2 | WBS | p57 | p57Kip2cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor 1C11p15.5
1815DRD4D4DRdopamine receptor D411p15.5
9024BRSK2C11orf7 | PEN11B | SAD1 | SADA | STK29BR serine/threonine kinase 211p15.5
65998C11orf95-chromosome 11 open reading frame 9511q13
57124CD248CD164L1 | TEM1CD248 molecule11q13
7351UCP2BMIQ4 | SLC25A8 | UCPHuncoupling protein 2 (mitochondrial, proton carrier)11q13
8722CTSFCATSF | CLN13cathepsin F11q13
254122SNX32SNX6Bsorting nexin 3211q13.1
254263CNIH2CNIH-2 | Cnilcornichon family AMPA receptor auxiliary protein 211q13.2
2249FGF4HBGF-4 | HST | HST-1 | HSTF1 | K-FGF | KFGFfibroblast growth factor 411q13.3
2900GRIK4EAA1 | GRIK | GluK4 | KA1glutamate ionotropic receptor kainate type subunit 411q22.3
9099USP2UBP41 | USP9ubiquitin specific peptidase 211q23.3
219855SLC37A2pp11662solute carrier family 37 member 211q24.2
3764KCNJ8KIR6.1 | uKATP-1potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily J member 812p11.23
654429LRTM2-leucine-rich repeats and transmembrane domains 212p13.33
1280COL2A1ANFH | AOM | COL11A3 | SEDC | STL1collagen type II alpha 112q13.11
7421VDRNR1I1 | PPP1R163vitamin D (1,25- dihydroxyvitamin D3) receptor12q13.11
552AVPR1AAVPR V1a | AVPR1 | V1aRarginine vasopressin receptor 1A12q14.2
5787PTPRBHPTP-BETA | HPTPB | PTPB | R-PTP-BETA | VEPTPprotein tyrosine phosphatase, receptor type B12q15
8437RASAL1RASALRAS protein activator like 112q23-q24
59341TRPV4BCYM3 | CMT2C | HMSN2C | OTRPC4 | SMAL | SPSMA | SSQTL1 | TRP12 | VRL2 | VROACtransient receptor potential cation channel subfamily V member 412q24.1
1840DTX1hDx-1deltex 112q24.13
84530SRRM4KIAA1853 | MU-MB-2.76 | nSR100serine/arginine repetitive matrix 412q24.23
54509RHOFARHF | RIFras homolog family member F (in filopodia)12q24.31
121256TMEM132DMOLT | PPP1R153transmembrane protein 132D12q24.33
4093SMAD9MADH6 | MADH9 | PPH2 | SMAD8 | SMAD8/9 | SMAD8A | SMAD8BSMAD family member 913q12-q14
23281MTUS2CAZIP | ICIS | KIAA0774 | TIP150microtubule associated tumor suppressor candidate 213q12.3
8600TNFSF11CD254 | ODF | OPGL | OPTB2 | RANKL | TNLG6B | TRANCE | hRANKL2 | sOdftumor necrosis factor superfamily member 1113q14
160857CCDC122-coiled-coil domain containing 12213q14.11
220107DLEU7-deleted in lymphocytic leukemia, 713q14.3
6252RTN1NSPreticulon 114q23.1
6547SLC8A3NCX3solute carrier family 8 member A314q24.1
145482PTGR2HEL-S-298 | PGR2 | ZADH1prostaglandin reductase 214q24.3
5228PGFD12S1900 | PGFL | PLGF | PlGF-2 | SHGC-10760placental growth factor14q24.3
8788DLK1DLK | DLK-1 | Delta1 | FA1 | PREF1 | Pref-1 | ZOG | pG2delta-like 1 homolog (Drosophila)14q32
145258GSCSAMSgoosecoid homeobox14q32.1
10858CYP46A1CP46 | CYP46cytochrome P450 family 46 subfamily A member 114q32.1
145270PRIMA1PRIMAproline rich membrane anchor 114q32.12
123036TC2NC14orf47 | C2CD1 | MTAC2D1 | Tac2-Ntandem C2 domains, nuclear14q32.12
161725OTUD7AC15orf16 | C16ORF15 | CEZANNE2 | OTUD7OTU deubiquitinase 7A15q13.3
10125RASGRP1CALDAG-GEFI | CALDAG-GEFII | RASGRP | V | hRasGRP1RAS guanyl releasing protein 115q14
1139CHRNA7CHRNA7-2 | NACHRA7cholinergic receptor nicotinic alpha 7 subunit15q14
4058LTKTYK1leukocyte receptor tyrosine kinase15q15.1-q21.1
388121TNFAIP8L3TIPE3TNF alpha induced protein 8 like 315q21.2
4828NMB-neuromedin B15q22-qter
9133CCNB2HsT17299cyclin B215q22.2
302ANXA2ANX2 | ANX2L4 | CAL1H | HEL-S-270 | LIP2 | LPC2 | LPC2D | P36 | PAP-IVannexin A215q22.2
79856SNX22-sorting nexin 2215q22.31
23604DAPK2DRP-1 | DRP1death-associated protein kinase 215q22.31
53346TM6SF1-transmembrane 6 superfamily member 115q24-q26
220ALDH1A3ALDH1A6 | ALDH6 | MCOP8 | RALDH3aldehyde dehydrogenase 1 family member A315q26.3
8448DOC2ADoc2double C2-like domains, alpha16p11.2
2013EMP2XMPepithelial membrane protein 216p13.2
54715RBFOX12BP1 | A2BP1 | FOX-1 | FOX1 | HRNBP1RNA binding protein, fox-1 homolog (C. elegans) 116p13.3
4350MPGAAG | ADPG | APNG | CRA36.1 | MDG | Mid1 | PIG11 | PIG16 | anpgN-methylpurine DNA glycosylase16p13.3
79190IRX6IRX-3 | IRX7 | IRXB3iroquois homeobox 616q12.2
4502MT2AMT2metallothionein 2A16q13
79918SETD6-SET domain containing 616q21
3291HSD11B2AME | AME1 | HSD11K | HSD2 | SDR9C3hydroxysteroid (11-beta) dehydrogenase 216q22
6236RRADRAD | RAD1 | REM3Ras-related associated with diabetes16q22
794CALB2CAB29 | CAL2 | CRcalbindin 216q22.2
170692ADAMTS18ADAMTS21 | KNO2 | MMCATADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 1816q23
79152FA2HFAAH | FAH1 | FAXDC1 | SCS7 | SPG35fatty acid 2-hydroxylase16q23
197259MLKLhMLKLmixed lineage kinase domain-like16q23.1
54550NECAB2EFCBP2N-terminal EF-hand calcium binding protein 216q23.3
404550C16orf74-chromosome 16 open reading frame 7416q24.1
3394IRF8H-ICSBP | ICSBP | ICSBP1 | IMD32A | IMD32B | IRF-8interferon regulatory factor 816q24.1
10743RAI1SMCR | SMSretinoic acid induced 117p11.2
9955HS3ST3A13-OST-3A | 3OST3A1heparan sulfate-glucosamine 3-sulfotransferase 3A117p12
6517SLC2A4GLUT4solute carrier family 2 member 417p13
51087YBX2CONTRIN | CSDA3 | DBPC | MSY2Y-box binding protein 217p13.1
5338PLD2-phospholipase D217p13.1
29ABRMDBactive BCR-related17p13.3
4641MYO1CMMI-beta | MMIb | NMI | myr2myosin IC17p13.3
3090HIC1ZBTB29 | ZNF901 | hic-1hypermethylated in cancer 117p13.3
9094UNC119HRG4 | IMD13 | POC7 | POC7Aunc-119 lipid binding chaperone17q11.2
6532SLC6A45-HTT | 5-HTTLPR | 5HTT | HTT | OCD1 | SERT | SERT1 | hSERTsolute carrier family 6 member 417q11.2
55803ADAP2CENTA2 | HSA272195 | cent-bArfGAP with dual PH domains 217q11.2
100170841C17orf96PRR28chromosome 17 open reading frame 9617q12
51195RAPGEFL1Link-GEFIIRap guanine nucleotide exchange factor like 117q21.1
65266WNK4PHA2B | PRKWNK4WNK lysine deficient protein kinase 417q21.2
4185ADAM11MDCADAM metallopeptidase domain 1117q21.3
79777ACBD4HMFT0700acyl-CoA binding domain containing 417q21.31
51226COPZ2zeta2-COPcoatomer protein complex subunit zeta 217q21.32
3690ITGB3BDPLT16 | BDPLT2 | CD61 | GP3A | GPIIIa | GTintegrin subunit beta 317q21.32
1748DLX4BP1 | DLX7 | DLX8 | DLX9 | OFC15distal-less homeobox 417q21.33
8913CACNA1GCa(V)T.1 | Cav3.1 | NBR13 | SCA42calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 G17q22
1636ACEACE1 | CD143 | DCP | DCP1 | ICH | MVCD3angiotensin I converting enzyme17q23.3
1534CYB561CYB561A1 | FRRS2cytochrome b56117q23.3
54757FAM20AAI1G | AIGFS | FP2747family with sequence similarity 20 member A17q24.2
201292TRIM654732463G12Riktripartite motif containing 6517q25.1
326624RAB37-RAB37, member RAS oncogene family17q25.1
3993LLGL2HGL | Hugl-2 | LGL2lethal giant larvae homolog 2, scribble cell polarity complex component17q25.1
439921MXRA7PS1TP1 | TMAP1matrix-remodelling associated 717q25.1
146664MGAT5BGnT-IX | GnT-VBmannosyl (alpha-1,6-)-glycoprotein beta-1,6-N-acetyl-glucosaminyltransferase, isozyme B17q25.2
8811GALR2GAL2-R | GALNR2 | GALR-2galanin receptor 217q25.3
2774GNALDYT25G protein subunit alpha L18p11.22-p11.21
79822ARHGAP28-Rho GTPase activating protein 2818p11.31
23136EPB41L34.1B | DAL-1 | DAL1erythrocyte membrane protein band 4.1-like 318p11.32
56853CELF4BRUNOL4 | CELF-4CUGBP, Elav-like family member 418q12
83608C18orf21HsT3108 | PNAS-124 | PNAS-131 | XTP13chromosome 18 open reading frame 2118q12.2
4645MYO5B-myosin VB18q21
9480ONECUT2OC-2 | OC2one cut homeobox 218q21.31
4155MBP-myelin basic protein18q23
9244CRLF1CISS | CISS1 | CLF | CLF-1 | NR6 | zcytor5cytokine receptor-like factor 119p12
1311COMPEDM1 | EPD1 | MED | PSACH | THBS5cartilage oligomeric matrix protein19p13.1
404037HAPLN4BRAL2hyaluronan and proteoglycan link protein 419p13.1
23149FCHO1-FCH domain only 119p13.11
6511SLC1A6EAAT4solute carrier family 1 member 619p13.12
57662CAMSAP3KIAA1543 | NEZHA | PPP1R80calmodulin regulated spectrin associated protein family member 319p13.2
1943EFNA2ELF-1 | EPLG6 | HEK7-L | LERK-6 | LERK6ephrin-A219p13.3
4145MATKCHK | CTK | HHYLTK | HYL | HYLTK | Lskmegakaryocyte-associated tyrosine kinase19p13.3
5990RFX2-regulatory factor X219p13.3
10683DLL3SCDO1delta-like 3 (Drosophila)19q13
6324SCN1BATFB13 | BRGDA5 | GEFSP1sodium voltage-gated channel beta subunit 119q13.1
94274PPP1R14ACPI-17 | CPI17 | PPP1INLprotein phosphatase 1 regulatory inhibitor subunit 14A19q13.1
8425LTBP4ARCL1C | LTBP-4 | LTBP4L | LTBP4Slatent transforming growth factor beta binding protein 419q13.1-q13.2
51599LSRILDR3 | LISCH7lipolysis stimulated lipoprotein receptor19q13.12
148014TTC9B-tetratricopeptide repeat domain 9B19q13.2
478ATP1A3AHC2 | CAPOS | DYT12 | RDPATPase Na+/K+ transporting subunit alpha 319q13.31
2906GRIN2DEB11 | GluN2D | NMDAR2D | NR2Dglutamate ionotropic receptor NMDA type subunit 2D19q13.33
7482WNT2BWNT13wingless-type MMTV integration site family member 2B1p13
148281SYT6sytVIsynaptotagmin 61p13.2
148534TMEM56-transmembrane protein 561p21.3
23566LPAR3EDG7 | Edg-7 | GPCR | HOFNH30 | LP-A3 | LPA3 | RP4-678I3lysophosphatidic acid receptor 31p22.3
91624NEXNCMH20 | NELINnexilin (F actin binding protein)1p31.1
55225RAVER2-ribonucleoprotein, PTB-binding 21p31.3
9829DNAJC6DJC6 | PARK19DnaJ heat shock protein family (Hsp40) member C61p31.3
22996TTC39AC1orf34 | DEME-6tetratricopeptide repeat domain 39A1p32.3
84871AGBL4CCP6ATP/GTP binding protein-like 41p33
9132KCNQ4DFNA2 | DFNA2A | KV7.4potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily Q member 41p34
149483CCDC17-coiled-coil domain containing 171p34.1
84879MFSD2AMCPH15 | MFSD2 | NLS1major facilitator superfamily domain containing 2A1p34.2
284716RIMKLAFAM80A | NAAGS | NAAGS-IIribosomal modification protein rimK-like family member A1p34.2
81888HYIHT036hydroxypyruvate isomerase (putative)1p34.2
54952TRNAU1APPRO1902 | SECP43 | TRSPAP1tRNA selenocysteine 1 associated protein 11p35.3
3362HTR65-HT6 | 5-HT6R5-hydroxytryptamine receptor 61p36-p35
5909RAP1GAPRAP1GA1 | RAP1GAP1 | RAP1GAPII | RAPGAPRAP1 GTPase activating protein1p36.1-p35
57822GRHL3SOM | TFCP2L4 | VWS2grainyhead like transcription factor 31p36.11
115572FAM46B-family with sequence similarity 46 member B1p36.11
249ALPLAP-TNAP | APTNAP | HOPS | TNAP | TNSALPalkaline phosphatase, liver/bone/kidney1p36.12
6920TCEA3TFIIS | TFIIS.Htranscription elongation factor A31p36.12
57085AGTRAPATRAPangiotensin II receptor associated protein1p36.22
26038CHD5CHD-5chromodomain helicase DNA binding protein 51p36.31
387509GPR153PGR1G protein-coupled receptor 1531p36.31
390992HES3bHLHb43hes family bHLH transcription factor 31p36.31
83715ESPNDFNB36 | LP2654espin1p36.31
100287898TTC34-tetratricopeptide repeat domain 341p36.32
64856VWA1WARPvon Willebrand factor A domain containing 11p36.33
9659PDE4DIPCMYA2 | MMGLphosphodiesterase 4D interacting protein1q12
6282S100A11HEL-S-43 | MLN70 | S100CS100 calcium binding protein A111q21
8407TAGLN2HA1756transgelin 21q21-q25
148741ANKRD35-ankyrin repeat domain 351q21.1
54507ADAMTSL4ADAMTSL-4 | ECTOL2 | TSRC1ADAMTS like 41q21.3
1141CHRNB2EFNL3 | nAChRB2cholinergic receptor nicotinic beta 2 subunit1q21.3
375033PEAR1JEDI | MEGF12platelet endothelial aggregation receptor 11q23.1
3766KCNJ10BIRK-10 | KCNJ13-PEN | KIR1.2 | KIR4.1 | SESAMEpotassium voltage-gated channel subfamily J member 101q23.2
25903OLFML2B-olfactomedin like 2B1q23.3
59352LGR6GPCR | VTS20631leucine-rich repeat containing G protein-coupled receptor 61q32.1
56256SERTAD4DJ667H12.2SERTA domain containing 41q32.1-q41
29937NENFCIR2 | SCIRP10 | SPUFneudesin neurotrophic factor1q32.3
55509BATF3JDP1 | JUNDM1 | SNFTbasic leucine zipper ATF-like transcription factor 31q32.3
3776KCNK2K2p2.1 | TPKC1 | TREK | TREK-1 | TREK1 | hTREK-1c | hTREK-1epotassium two pore domain channel subfamily K member 21q41
148641SLC35F3-solute carrier family 35 member F31q42.2
55614KIF16BC20orf23 | KISC20ORF | SNX23kinesin family member 16B20p11.23
1114CHGBSCG1chromogranin B20p12.3
146ADRA1DADRA1 | ADRA1A | ADRA1R | ALPHA1 | DAR | dJ779E11.2adrenoceptor alpha 1D20p13
6640SNTA1LQT12 | SNT1 | TACIP1 | dJ1187J4.5syntrophin alpha 120q11.2
128853DUSP15C20orf57 | VHYdual specificity phosphatase 1520q11.21
140679SLC32A1VGAT | VIAATsolute carrier family 32 member 120q11.23
655BMP7OP-1bone morphogenetic protein 720q13
100ADA-adenosine deaminase20q13.12
10079ATP9AATPIIAATPase phospholipid transporting 9A (putative)20q13.2
4773NFATC2NFAT1 | NFATPnuclear factor of activated T-cells, cytoplasmic, calcineurin-dependent 220q13.2
3745KCNB1DRK1 | EIEE26 | KV2.1 | h-DRK1potassium voltage-gated channel subfamily B member 120q13.2
11096ADAMTS5ADAM-TS 11 | ADAM-TS 5 | ADAM-TS5 | ADAMTS-11 | ADAMTS-5 | ADAMTS11 | ADMP-2ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 521q21.3
3588IL10RBCDW210B | CRF2-4 | CRFB4 | D21S58 | D21S66 | IL-10R2interleukin 10 receptor subunit beta21q22.11
81543LRRC3C21orf102leucine rich repeat containing 321q22.3
80781COL18A1KNO | KNO1 | KScollagen type XVIII alpha 121q22.3
150223YDJC-YdjC homolog (bacterial)22q11.21
164592CCDC116-coiled-coil domain containing 11622q11.21
421ARVCF-armadillo repeat gene deleted in velocardiofacial syndrome22q11.21
2812GP1BBBDPLT1 | BS | CD42C | GPIBB | GPIbbetaglycoprotein Ib platelet beta subunit22q11.21
2781GNAZ-G protein subunit alpha z22q11.22
157ADRBK2BARK2 | GRK3adrenergic, beta, receptor kinase 222q12.1
23762OSBP2HLM | ORP-4 | ORP4 | OSBPL1 | OSBPL4oxysterol binding protein 222q12.2
3976LIFCDF | DIA | HILDA | MLPLIleukemia inhibitory factor22q12.2
55615PRR5FLJ20185k | PP610 | PROTOR-1 | PROTOR1proline rich 522q13
29775CARD10BIMP1 | CARMA3caspase recruitment domain family member 1022q13.1
84247LDOC1LMar6 | Mart6 | dJ1033E15.2leucine zipper, down-regulated in cancer 1-like22q13.31
8291DYSFFER1L1 | LGMD2B | MMD1dysferlin2p13.3
53335BCL11ABCL11A-L | BCL11A-S | BCL11A-XL | BCL11a-M | CTIP1 | EVI9 | HBFQTL5 | ZNF856B-cell CLL/lymphoma 11A2p16.1
109ADCY3AC-III | AC3adenylate cyclase 32p23.3
3754KCNF1IK8 | KCNF | KV5.1 | kH1potassium voltage-gated channel modifier subfamily F member 12p25
200407CREG2-cellular repressor of E1A stimulated genes 22q11.2
9111NMI-N-myc and STAT interactor2q23
4065LY75CD205 | CLEC13B | DEC-205 | GP200-MR6 | LY-75lymphocyte antigen 752q24
91752ZNF804AC2orf10zinc finger protein 804A2q32.1
51454GULP1CED-6 | CED6 | GULPGULP, engulfment adaptor PTB domain containing 12q32.3-q33
66037BOLLBOULEboule homolog, RNA binding protein2q33
6508SLC4A3AE3 | SLC2Csolute carrier family 4 member 32q36
117581TWIST2AMS | BBRSAY | DERMO1 | FFDD3 | SETLSS | bHLHa39twist family bHLH transcription factor 22q37.3
166336PRICKLE2EPM5prickle planar cell polarity protein 23p14.1
8927BSNZNF231bassoon presynaptic cytomatrix protein3p21.31
131375LYZL4LYC4 | LYZAlysozyme like 43p22.1
116135LRRC3BLRP15leucine rich repeat containing 3B3p24
23180RFTN1MIG2 | PIB10 | PIG9 | RAFTLINraftlin, lipid raft linker 13p24.3
3269HRH1H1-R | H1R | HH1R | hisH1histamine receptor H13p25
2199FBLN2-fibulin 23p25.1
2257FGF12FGF12B | FHF1fibroblast growth factor 123q28
79730NSUN7-NOP2/Sun RNA methyltransferase family member 74p14
55203LGI2LGIL2leucine-rich repeat LGI family member 24p15.2
56978PRDM8EPM10 | PFM5PR domain 84q21
651BMP3BMP-3Abone morphogenetic protein 34q21
84570COL25A1AMY | CFEOM5 | CLAC | CLAC-P | CLACPcollagen type XXV alpha 14q25
2247FGF2BFGF | FGF-2 | FGFB | HBGF-2fibroblast growth factor 24q26
85462FHDC1-FH2 domain containing 14q31.3
10723SLC12A7KCC4solute carrier family 12 member 75p15
85409NKD2Naked2naked cuticle homolog 2 (Drosophila)5p15.3
7015TERTCMM9 | DKCA2 | DKCB4 | EST2 | PFBMFT1 | TCS1 | TP2 | TRT | hEST2 | hTRTtelomerase reverse transcriptase5p15.33
4015LOX-lysyl oxidase5q23.2
171019ADAMTS19-ADAM metallopeptidase with thrombospondin type 1 motif 195q23.3
56135PCDHAC1PCDH-ALPHA-C1protocadherin alpha subfamily C, 15q31
51308REEP2C5orf19 | SGC32445 | SPG72 | Yip2dreceptor accessory protein 25q31
26223FBXL21FBL3B | FBXL3B | FBXL3P | Fbl21F-box and leucine-rich repeat protein 21 (gene/pseudogene)5q31
154ADRB2ADRB2R | ADRBR | B2AR | BAR | BETA2ARadrenoceptor beta 25q31-q32
6932TCF7TCF-1transcription factor 7 (T-cell specific, HMG-box)5q31.1
6695SPOCK1SPOCK | TESTICAN | TIC1sparc/osteonectin, cwcv and kazal-like domains proteoglycan (testican) 15q31.2
11063SOX30-SRY-box 305q33
147ADRA1BADRA1 | ALPHA1BARadrenoceptor alpha 1B5q33.3
8817FGF18FGF-18 | ZFGF5fibroblast growth factor 185q34
64324NSD1ARA267 | KMT3B | SOTOS | SOTOS1 | STOnuclear receptor binding SET domain protein 15q35
6586SLIT3MEGF5 | SLIL2 | SLIT1 | Slit-3 | slit2slit guidance ligand 35q35
10814CPLX2921-L | CPX-2 | CPX2 | Hfb1complexin 25q35.2
91522COL23A1-collagen type XXIII alpha 15q35.3
3159HMGA1HMG-R | HMGA1A | HMGIYhigh mobility group AT-hook 16p21
3710ITPR3IP3R | IP3R3inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor type 36p21
441151TMEM151BC6orf137 | TMEM193 | bA444E17.5transmembrane protein 151B6p21.1
29993PACSIN1SDPIprotein kinase C and casein kinase substrate in neurons 16p21.3
8705B3GALT4BETA3GALT4 | GALT2 | GALT4Beta-1,3-galactosyltransferase 46p21.3
255488RNF144BIBRDC2 | PIR2 | bA528A10.3 | p53RFPring finger protein 144B6p22.3
54898ELOVL2SSC2ELOVL fatty acid elongase 26p24.2
22999RIMS1CORD7 | RAB3IP2 | RIM | RIM1regulating synaptic membrane exocytosis 16q12-q13
3351HTR1B5-HT-1B | 5-HT-1D-beta | 5-HT1B | 5-HT1DB | HTR1D2 | HTR1DB | S125-hydroxytryptamine receptor 1B6q13
135293PM20D2ACY1L2 | bA63L7.3peptidase M20 domain containing 26q15
2898GRIK2EAA4 | GLR6 | GLUK6 | GLUR6 | GluK2 | MRT6glutamate ionotropic receptor kainate type subunit 26q16.3
64208POPDC3POP3 | bA355M14.1popeye domain containing 36q21
10924SMPDL3AASM3A | ASML3a | yR36GH4.1sphingomyelin phosphodiesterase acid like 3A6q22.31
9053MAP7E-MAP-115 | EMAP115microtubule associated protein 76q23.3
5325PLAGL1LOT1 | ZAC | ZAC1PLAG1 like zinc finger 16q24-q25
51390AIG1AIG-1 | dJ95L4.1androgen-induced 16q24.2
10320IKZF1Hs.54452 | IK1 | IKAROS | LYF1 | LyF-1 | PPP1R92 | PRO0758 | ZNFN1A1IKAROS family zinc finger 17p12.2
4852NPYPYY4neuropeptide Y7p15.1
51085MLXIPLCHREBP | MIO | MONDOB | WBSCR14 | WS-bHLH | bHLHd14MLX interacting protein like7q11.23
5244ABCB4ABC21 | GBD1 | ICP3 | MDR2 | MDR2/3 | MDR3 | PFIC-3 | PGY3ATP binding cassette subfamily B member 47q21.1
64921CASD1C7orf12 | NBLA04196CAS1 domain containing 17q21.3
4885NPTX2NARP | NP-II | NP2neuronal pentraxin 27q21.3-q22.1
43ACHEACEE | ARACHE | N-ACHE | YTacetylcholinesterase (Yt blood group)7q22
26136TESTESS | TESS-2testin LIM domain protein7q31.2
7472WNT2INT1L1 | IRPwingless-type MMTV integration site family member 27q31.2
56829ZC3HAV1ARTD13 | FLB6421 | PARP13 | ZAP | ZC3H2 | ZC3HDC2zinc finger CCCH-type containing, antiviral 17q34
1804DPP6DPL1 | DPPX | MRD33 | VF2dipeptidyl peptidase like 67q36.2
7434VIPR2C16DUPq36.3 | DUP7q36.3 | PACAP-R-3 | PACAP-R3 | VIP-R-2 | VPAC2 | VPAC2R | VPCAP2Rvasoactive intestinal peptide receptor 27q36.3
286ANK1ANK | SPH1 | SPH2ankyrin 18p11.1
79698ZMAT4-zinc finger matrin-type 48p11.21
59339PLEKHA2TAPP2pleckstrin homology domain containing A28p11.22
64641EBF2COE2 | EBF-2 | O/E-3 | OE-3early B-cell factor 28p21.2
9108MTMR7-myotubularin related protein 78p22
9258MFHAS1LRRC65 | MASL1malignant fibrous histiocytoma amplified sequence 18p23.1
3574IL7IL-7interleukin 78q12-q13
116328C8orf34VEST-1 | VEST1chromosome 8 open reading frame 348q13
81796SLCO5A1OATP-J | OATP-RP4 | OATP5A1 | OATPJ | OATPRP4 | SLC21A15solute carrier organic anion transporter family member 5A18q13.3
1666DECR1DECR | NADPH | SDR18C12,4-dienoyl-CoA reductase 1, mitochondrial8q21.3
8323FZD6FZ-6 | FZ6 | HFZ6 | NDNC10frizzled class receptor 68q22.3-q23.1
51571FAM49BBM-009 | L1family with sequence similarity 49 member B8q24.21
23237ARCArg3.1activity-regulated cytoskeleton-associated protein8q24.3
1993ELAVL2HEL-N1 | HELN1 | HUBELAV like neuron-specific RNA binding protein 29p21
56033BARX1-BARX homeobox 19q12
9615GDACYPIN | GUANASE | NEDASINguanine deaminase9q21.13
4920ROR2BDB | BDB1 | NTRKR2receptor tyrosine kinase-like orphan receptor 29q22
158046NXNL2C9orf121 | RDCVF2nucleoredoxin-like 29q22.1
10507SEMA4DC9orf164 | CD100 | M-sema-G | SEMAJ | coll-4semaphorin 4D9q22.2
54769DIRAS2Di-Ras2DIRAS family GTP binding RAS like 29q22.2
9830TRIM14-tripartite motif containing 149q22.33
79695GALNT12CRCS1 | GalNAc-T12polypeptide N-acetylgalactosaminyltransferase 129q22.33
4010LMX1BLMX1.2 | NPS1LIM homeobox transcription factor 1 beta9q33.3
20ABCA2ABC2ATP binding cassette subfamily A member 29q34
774CACNA1BBIII | CACNL1A5 | CACNN | Cav2.2 | DYT23calcium voltage-gated channel subunit alpha1 B9q34
1759DNM1DNM | EIEE31dynamin 19q34
11182SLC2A6GLUT6 | GLUT9 | HSA011372solute carrier family 2 member 69q34
10439OLFM1AMY | NOE1 | NOELIN1 | OlfAolfactomedin 19q34.3
138311FAM69BC9orf136 | pp6977family with sequence similarity 69 member B9q34.3
7504XKKX | MCLDS | NA | NAC | X1k | XKR1X-linked Kx blood groupXp21.1
203447NRKNESKNik related kinaseXq22.3
63035BCORL1BCoR-L1 | CXorf10BCL6 corepressor-like 1Xq25-q26.1
9248GPR50H9 | Mel1cG protein-coupled receptor 50Xq28

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